Luo Yibei is still on the scene.

After An Qi came back, he first gave the gift to An Qi, and then he sat in a quiet corner.

He hates all the noisy environments.

No matter where he goes, he generally likes places where he is quiet.

Did not leave immediately, is to give An Qi face.

The light he was sitting in was a bit dark, and he sat alone on a sofa chair.

The light was shot from the top of his head, casting a faint silhouette behind him, setting off his facial curves as a misty blur.

He has a cocktail on his hand, and he will put it on his lips from time to time.

The fingers of his wine glass are particularly slender, well-proportioned and beautiful, and the bones of the fingers are very distinct, comparable to those carved by the artist.

His drinking movements are very fascinating, and he has a graceful and unspeakable elegance. Even if the same gender is male, the magnetic field is mutually exclusive, and the small milk bag just passed through and can't help but look in his direction.

In fact, the small milk bag has noticed him here.

This is the first time Xiao Yi saw this man.

For him who lived in the palace from a young age, Luo Yibei’s face was completely strange.

Perhaps it was the child's natural curiosity that drove him. When he saw Luo Yibei, his eyes couldn't help but stay on the other side for a long time.

This uncle is so handsome!

This is the first impression of the small milk bag after seeing Luo Yibei.

In fact, he couldn't see the five senses of Luo Yibei at all. However, the elegance of the other party's gestures and the charm of even wearing a halo hidden in the darkness made him believe that the man in front was handsome.

A man with a fascinating movement, where is the five abilities?

Like being driven by a magnetic field, the small milk bag couldn't help but lean against him.

He stared at Luo Yibei and saw some ecstasy.

After a close look, he can also see the other's facial features more distance.

Very cold, very deep, sculptural perfection, godlike and noble.

This is the best face he has ever seen!

Better than any man in his eyes!

This is the second impression of the small milk bag after seeing Luo Yibei.

Only, the gas field is cold.

The gas field on Luo Yibei is not generally cold, even if he is a child who has not fully learned to look at his face at the age of three.

The little milk bag stared at him for a while, and couldn’t help but think about how fascinating the man was if he laughed in his mind.

He leaned his head, raised his hand and even made a box gesture against Luo Yibei's face in the air.

The small milk bag is a natural beauty control. When I saw Fang Chi Xia, it was attracted by her value, so she was always unforgettable.

Seeing Luo Yibei, he was also attracted by the other party's face value, and even made a very bold move.

Lightly whistling, the small milk bag went to Luoyi North without incident.

"One person?" He was yelling at him.

Three-and-a-half-year-old kid, take the initiative to talk to someone who is just as old as he can be.

The tone seems to have brought a bit of awkward taste.

Luo Yibei casually took the cocktail on his hand and ignored him.

"The first time I came to the palace? I haven't seen your uncle before!" The little milk bag couldn't see the face of his stranger, and continued to work hard.

Luo Yibei eyes fixed the transparent wine stains in the cup, still no face on the face.

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