The Overbearing Chief Husband’s Favorite: Baby

Chapter 1468: Looking for a dead end, I can send you a ride

After leaving the palace, Luo Yibei immediately returned to the villa where Fang Chi Xia lived along the original road.

He just sent Xiao Yi back to the palace. After arriving at the palace, he even left without sitting.

As soon as he got there, his speed was also very fast.

However, when I came back to the villa, I accidentally discovered that the villa was empty!

Most of the things were not moved. Standing outside the garden and looking inside the house, I can clearly see that many things in the hall are packed up, like the owner has gone far.

Fang Chi Xia is not there.

Not a big villa, in such a short time, people go to the sky!

Luo Yibei stood outside the iron gate of the hollow garden. He looked coldly at the furniture that had been covered with dust cloth in the hall. He took the five fingers of a mobile phone and the screen of the glass, under his strength. Hey, it’s broken!

He has struggled a lot in the past four years, half of her love and half of hate.

It can be his character, even if he hates her again, he has been calming each other for four years. Two people sit down and make the words clear. He may hate and forgive her again!

However, what did she do?

What is this now?

If you don't walk well, you will push yourself to the dead end!

Like to find death, he can send her a ride!

Luo Yibei eyes gloomyly fixed in the garden's large door, in the eyes, a touch of cold chill, abrupt refraction.

His hand held the phone very tight and the glass screen was shattered. He didn't seem to notice it.

The fingertips were plunged into the tiny glass slag, and the fine and dense blood beads were all smashed out. He didn't seem to know the pain.

He stood outside the door for a long time, and slowly returned to his car. A phone call was made to the people under his command. "Contact the airport. From today, as long as the person with the name is bound, it is restricted to leave the country!"

In a word, the phone is cold and cold.

The man who took the call seemed to be a bit puzzled. He stared at the microphone that had no sound for a while, as if he had not reacted and heard what he had heard.

Is the name of the last name restricted?

Is this too... absolutely?

There were a lot of people who couldn’t understand the words of Luo Yibei, but they didn’t dare to ask.

Holding his heart and hanging his courage, he conveyed the instructions of Luo Yibei.

Luo Yibei's car did not stay here, people got on the bus, the throttle under the foot stepped on, and the black sports car slammed and went away.

When he returned to the palace, the coldness on his face felt through his long-distance people.

There are many people who have entered the palace, and the servants in the palace are in charge of things.

The person who meets him is generally walking around him far away.

A few days after Luo Yibei went back, he arranged a lot of manpower. From the airport to the station, in the air, on land, at sea, he gave people the way to leave Fang Chi Xia.

I also sent people to look around in the city. However, Fang Chi Xia seemed to evaporate from the air, and even the shadows were not seen.

Fang Chi Xia disappeared again!

Moreover, this disappeared, nearly one month in a row, and the people sent out by Luo Yibei did not have any news!

Everyone can see that Luo Yibei’s mood in the past few days is very bad.

A face that was always cold, and whoever faced it recently, was directly stretched.

The little milk bag sat on the big living room with his legs crossed. After waking up in the morning, his eyes were still floating on him.

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