The Overbearing Chief Husband’s Favorite: Baby

Chapter 1470: The location around me is only for one person.

The footsteps just started, but they were picked up by Luo Yibei.

When the small milk bag was left by his body, when he collided with his body, he even took the lead of Luo Yibei’s slender body and leaned against him.

"What conditions do you want?" Luo Yibei's eyes are light and the sound is not flat.

The small milk bag should not know that Luo Yibei is walking horizontally at home and abroad. Wherever he goes, it is not that someone has opened the way for him. No one dares to talk to him at all.

The small milk bag did not feel that his chances were rare. He should take advantage of this opportunity to extort him and extort him, or go back and tell him after he seriously thought about it.

He is actually quite confident that if he wants to talk to Luo Yibei about the conditions, chances can be there at any time.

What time is it that the two people have been together for a few days?

"From this evening, my bedside position is mine!" The little milk bag proudly lifted his face and said his condition.

Luo Yibei’s eyes scorned, and almost did not think about it. He returned directly to him, “No!”

“Why?” The small milk bag was a little hurt inside.

Luo Yibei did not forget to be punished by him when he slept with him for the first time.

It’s such a big experience, is it probably his worst experience?

Even in the next few days, the small milk bag will be noticed as he said, just... a three-four-year-old child, credible?

"You will get a bed in the middle of the night. When you are hungry, you will get up and want to drink milk. When you sleep and fall asleep, you like to go to people. The sleeping position is still very irregular. The most important thing is..."

Luo Yibei is like a bean, and the face is not the same color, the hair of the small milk bag is shaken out, the voice is a meal, the eyes are swept away from the face of the little steamed buns, and he adds a faceless expression, "Uncle The location is not for the children!"

His mouth has always been relatively poisonous. When he and the small milk bag are mutually damaged, no one will give anyone a face.

However, Luo Yibei’s words are relatively euphemistic.

He just said that the position around him should not be a child, and he did not specifically target the small milk bag, and would not hit the child's heart too much.

"Who isn't it for the children?" The small milk bag is less than four years old, but the logic of the speech is very clear, the tone is still very awkward, sometimes speaking, often the adults do not have the ability to parry.

Luo Yibei squatted slightly, his eyes fixed and emptied in the vast garden, and his lips were very cold.

The corner of his eye slanted to him, faintly licking his little milk bag, Luo Yibei hand smashed twice on his head, "Little children, much more!"

"So, uncle, this is not promised? If so, then I will continue to find a little aunt!" The small milk bag turned his face to the side and turned to the direction of Sha Xingbao's room.

He is particularly good, Luo Yibei does not agree, he did not even have the meaning of entanglement, turned his head and ready to leave.

Luo Yibei coldly glanced at him, and when he was about to leave, he took him back.

“Is there something else?” The little milk bag knows what to ask.

Luo Yibei quietly glanced at him, and his eyes scorned. He seemed to be reluctant, but he finally agreed. "Complete! Say, which uncle?"

The little milk bag bent and frowned, and smiled and said, "Uncle Fasno!"

"Festino?" Luo Yibei looked cold.

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