The Overbearing Chief Husband’s Favorite: Baby

Chapter 1476: You are secretly dating

Fang Chi Xia did not deliberately ignore Fesno, she thought he should be very busy, no need to control him.

When the small milk bag came, the mentality of holding it was to rob him. After turning away from Fang Chi Xia, he turned his head and looked at Fasino. The expression on his face was still somewhat proud.

The lips were slightly bent, and he stared at Fasino with a smile, and his face even lifted up proudly.

His look brought a little pride, and his expensive chin was slightly lifted, and the look seemed to bring a little provocation.

Fasno stood in a few meters away from the two, and looked at him quietly and quietly. The small milk bag like this made him feel like a stick, and his face was slightly stagnate.

Why is there a kind of illusion that I saw Fang Chi Xia on his face?

Not a five senses, but a charm!

Fasino and Fang Chi Xia are not a one or two years, it is a whole six years!

Everything about Fang Chi Xia, even the expression that was inadvertently revealed on her face, was so impressive to Fausto.

The expression that the small milk bag has just made, Fang Chixia often does!

When you provoke someone, when you pick it up, when it’s cold!

The chin is gently lifted up, and the eyebrows are slightly lifted. When you make this expression, it is exactly the same as the current small milk bag!

Fasino stood in the big living room, staring quietly at the direction of the two people leaving for a while, shocked the small milk bag.

Does this child have anything to do with her?

However, after thinking about it, I feel that I have thought more.

Fang Chi Xia is an orphan. How can it be related to such a small child?

Mother and child are even more impossible, the original child is gone!

Didn't go too far into this matter, Fesno felt that this should be just a coincidence.

What's more, people who like to make this proud expression are full of people in the world!

The corner of the lips twitched and taunted. I didn’t take it to my heart. He turned and went into the entertainment...

Fang Chixia left with a small milk bag and led him to a quieter place.

A small pavilion in the garden, on the lake, the small bridge leading to the center of the lake lit up a very colorful lights, the lights are bright, the night is much more warm.

"Xiao Yi, so follow me away, will you not find it later?" Fang Chixia casually fed Xiaoyi a little something, and he sat down in the opposite position.

"No! No!" The little milk bag didn't take her words seriously.

Yan Chengxi did not come to the roots. At this time, I don’t know what to do with the baby. How can I find him?

Thinking of this, the small milk mouth is slightly tilted.

Fang Chi Xia did not care too much about this matter, sitting face to face with him, and seriously helped him deal with food.

Xiao Yi sat in the opposite position of her, and the two short legs swayed, his expression was quite pleasant.

Just, thinking of the new Fisino, his little face suddenly collapsed.

"You still dated the uncle!" The corner of his mouth groaned, his voice sounding unhappy.

"This is not a date, only friends have attended an occasion!" Fang Chi Xiabian helped him to peel off seafood and correct it.

"But why didn't he call someone else?" The little milk bag was obviously not convinced by her words, and she still refused to let go of her own problems.

"Uncle just wants to let Aunt know more about this city and know more people." Fang Chixia corrected.

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