He looked at her eyes very cold, a knife and a knife like a sword, sharp as if to peel her off.

Fang Chi Xia is not afraid of him, but is watching his reaction quietly.

His face was black like this, she thought he should be angry.

She is even prepared to deal with him getting angry.

Who knows, Luo Yibei was silent for a while, his fingertips pinched her chin and lifted her face up, but he spit out indifferently. "It doesn't matter, tell me the name of the person, appearance, height." Age, I want him to disappear from the earth tomorrow!"

He said that it is an understatement, as if to solve a person for him, it is as simple as a flower.

Suddenly, the lips kissed her and kissed him. He added another sentence. "As for you, leave your heart to leave me alone, or wait for me to occupy it a little bit. You only have this. Two choices!"

His words were not changed, and he did not see much anger.

This is his arrogance, the person who does not pose a threat, he is not ready to see it!

Fang Chi Xia originally wanted to hit him. He didn't expect to get such a result. He stabbed him with a stiff face, and her hand pushed him again and again. "You get up first!"

Luo Yibei’s body was still pressed against her, so squatting on the counter, and behind him was somewhere in front of him. Fang Chixia’s face was red from beginning to end.

From the neck to the back of the ear, it is very red and red, like a person who drinks alcohol.

Every minute and every second of the two is a torment for her.

However, Luo Yibei seems to enjoy it.

His body was even badly deliberately affixed to her.


Fang Chi Xia's face was hot and hot, and his head was rumbled.

Want to continue to call him up, but I am afraid that the two people are too big to attract the small milk bag.

Fang Chi Xia sighed under him, his face grievous.

The cold fingertips slowly walked along the skin behind her head, stroking her soft and delicate skin, and his brow lifted up. "Don't sing that later, huh?"

"Don't sing! Don't sing!" Fang Chi Xia said everything was reconciled.

"Hey, huh?" Luo Yibei's face slowly approached her, and her lips sighed softly against her ear. She brushed her face and stayed on her small chin. He gently The mantle kissed.

"Know it! You hurry up!" Fang Chixia's blush was almost ripe, and the voice was very low.

Luo Yibei was satisfied with her cooperation. Her fingertips put her face on the face. He pointed to his lips and gestured, "Kiss me!"

Fang Chi Xia does not want to.

Can consider the situation at hand, or enough to get up and kiss his lips.

Luo Yibei should be satisfied at this moment, and the neckline of his shirt was ignored. He was just about to evacuate from her. It was cold, and the sound of a milky voice suddenly sounded at the door. "North and North, you are doing this." wrong!"

Very young voice, it seems that there is still some anger, like being in a hug.

Fang Chi Xia’s body was stiff for two seconds.

Luo Yibei’s body is also a stiff.

The two men's eyes were stiff and the eyes were unanimously falling toward the door. The square pool was like a big hit, and the expression on his face was stupid.

Luo Yibei obviously did not expect the situation at the moment, and his expression was slightly stagnant.

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