The Overbearing Chief Husband’s Favorite: Baby

Chapter 1522: You want freedom, I can give

Fang Chi Xia was shocked to see him, and his face was so blank that he stepped back a few steps.

Luo Yibei stood in the middle of the cobblestone path, blocking her way, her eyes slid down on her face, staring at her for a while, and slender legs slowly walked toward her. .

"Is this trick to be played tonight?"

The tone of his speech was not as violent as in the past, but it was particularly cold. The coldness that broke into the bones seemed to freeze the blood of the human body.

"You haven't been drunk before?" Fang Chixia stepped back a few more steps, pulling away the distance between himself and him, watching his eyes a little vigilant.

"What do you think?" Luo Yibei stepped forward a few steps forward and asked questions without hesitation.

The answer is obvious.

I stopped her way at such a fast speed, and where can I get drunk?

It was all exposed by him, and he did not block it on the spot. Fang Chixia did not want to make any rebuttal for himself. He simply spread out and said, "I can't follow you back!"

"We are separated for four years, not four months. There are many things that can be changed in four years. You can't imprison me like when the marriage still exists!"

"You don't have the right to limit me anything! You should give me the most basic freedom! Instead of letting me be a puppet, letting you hold back!"

When she said this, her eyes kept staring at him.

In the middle of the night, the haze in Luo Yi's eyes seemed to be more intense after her words, like the smog in the winter, so she couldn't see it clearly.

He looked at her eyes very cold and cold as if to pierce her.

"Just because of this?" Very slow speech rate, clearly did not bring any flatness, but the strength of the invisible oozing in the tone, but like a net like a person to breathe depression.

Fang Chixia’s gaze was stagnant after his words.

These are actually the most fundamental reasons, but she has considered it, but she still changed her face and said, "Well."

Luo Yibei seems to be thinking after her words.

The thin lips were tight and the eyes were light. He was silent for a while, his face slowly lifted up, and his footsteps moved to the side, giving way to the road blocked by him.

Fang Chi Xia slightly stunned, it seems that he did not respond to how he talked so well today.

"Give you three seconds, otherwise, wait until I regret, you have no second chance!" Luo Yibei eyes cold and swept from her face, cold reminder.

Fang Chi Xia was stimulated by his words, and he returned to God. She almost ran across the door to the hotel door at a speed of flying.

When they were all ready to go out, she took it under her feet and stood back to him for a while, her eyes stiff and sideways. "What do you mean?"

She is asking him to let her go.

Luo Yibei slowed down to her, stood in front of her, lowered her eyes, and hit her eyes, spit out a word, "just want you to know, beside me, there is freedom!"

Fang Chi Xia Zhenzhen, looking at his nephew, the pupil slightly shrunk.

Luo Yibei's sight was taken back from her face, and she turned around and slowly went to the hotel room.

He is actually not so worried that the two will not meet after she left.

Y is not big. It is not impossible to find a person. It is only a matter of trouble.

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