The familiar voice made Fang Chi's summer ridge stiff and stiff, and his back-to-back body turned around.

Cold and cold sitting in the window, lazy leaning against the back of the chair, slender legs in a relaxed state lazy, eyes looking at her direction.

He seemed to be very idle. When he saw her, the black scorpion even opened a smile.

"All happened to meet, come and sit together!" Eyes gestured to the position around him, cold prayer invitation.

Fang Chi Xia squatted and walked toward him.

"How is a person?" Sitting down at the opposite position, she asked faintly.

"It's still too early, can't sleep, walked and walked here." Cold prayed to explain, put his glass and her touch, sighed with a sigh of relief, staring blankly She looked at it. "I haven't thought about contacting me for more than four years."

"You are so busy, don't want to bother you." Fang Chixia took it.

"Yes? You know, if it is your phone, even if you are busy, I will pick up!" Cold prayer cold rejected her reasons.

Fang Chi Xia is slightly stagnation.

“Who has contacted these four years?” Cold and cold changed the way and asked.

"No one has contacted." Fang Chi Xia's eyes hang down.

Cold praying cold fingertips touched the chin, chewed her words, and suddenly smiled. "Is it? I am pleased."

His words were made in a joke, but what he said was the real thoughts in his heart.

Thinking of Fang Chi Xia Lian Tong Yan, those who did not contact, he really gratified.

“Would you like to live abroad all the time?” Cold prayed to drink the wine from the cup, and asked lightly.

"Well, always!" Fang Chi Xia gave him a voice, and also deliberately emphasized the next sentence "always."

Cold and cold, the five fingers holding the goblet slightly tightened. "Because a Luo Yibei, even the country that has lived for so many years is not willing to go back?"

"It doesn't matter to him, it's my own reason." Fang Chixia raised his face and corrected it.

"Reason?" Cold praying cold slightly stunned.

Fang Chixia's gaze darkened after his words, her body seemed to be obviously stiff, and her face instantly dimmed.

Cold and cold, she did not look at her like this, and she secretly speculated.

On the cobblestone path outside the bar, a figure walked slowly towards this side.

Before coming to the bar, the outside eyes looked inside through the transparent bar glass.

I saw two people sitting in the house, and the people outside the house were cold and unconsciously cold.

Inside the house, cold and cold sitting in the opposite side of the square pool summer, the corner of the corner of the eye inadvertently glanced outward.

Seeing the man standing outside, he first glimpsed, and after the corner of his lips, he did not trace the hook.

Fang Chi Xia is still silent.

Her silence was a little long, like she was caught in some kind of deep sadness, and her body even shivered.

"He will hate me, I will take him..." After about four or five minutes, she raised her face. She seemed to be a little excited. She was just about to say something. Cold and cold suddenly stood up and took an arm to her. With a hook on the neck, she pulled her neck in her direction with a very strong force. In Fang Xiao’s gaze in the summer, his lips went over and the cold kiss fell softly on her. Forehead.

A very soft kiss, like a spring breeze blowing a drizzle, very soft and soft.

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