The Overbearing Chief Husband’s Favorite: Baby

Chapter 1564: I only favor the place where you are.

Luo Yibei stood at the door of the bus and looked at her with a gaze. It was like two people accidentally met. A faint sentence floated out of his lips. "It’s so cute!"

"You, are you just in the office?" Fang Chi Xia Wei did not go up at the door.

"Oh, just now!" Luo Yibei lifted his watch and looked at the time. His face was careless. "Now it is off work!"

"Are you taking advantage of the time to come out..." Fang Chixia still wants to say something. The voice of the bus driver is not cold. "Girl, is this going to come or not? It is the peak period!"

Fang Chi Xia returned to God and was shocked by the fact that it was a little embarrassing.

She took the time to point out to avoid it with Luo Yibei. Now she has not avoided it. Luo Yibei is still above, she naturally can't go up.

"Not coming, Master!" Back to the driver, Fang Chixia overslept, just want to stop the taxi, Luo Yibei's hand suddenly extended, coldly took her to a glimpse, Fang Chixia's body passively toward him After planting it, he was dragged into the car.

"Luo Yibei, what are you doing?" Fang Chixia was slightly annoyed at his behavior, but because the two had already delayed the driver's time, she was embarrassed to continue to toss with him.

"It’s just a matter of understanding that Miss Fang’s peak is difficult to stop the car!” Luo Yibei answered with great glory.

Fang Chi Xia, "..."

Luo Yi's north lip corner slightly hooked, faintly stunned the driver, and took her to the rear of the car.

His gait is very sloppy, like a very leisurely.

From small to large, people who haven’t taken the bus a few times, he doesn’t seem to be abandoning. After sitting down, the corner of his lips has been slightly hooked.

Fang Chixia was slightly annoyed with his behavior, his eyes turned to the window, and he kept quietly trying to open his way.

"Isn't it busy today?" Thinking, she chatted with him casually.

"Fortunately." Luo Yibei casually played the phone, faintly returned to her.

"Don't you go back to the palace?" Fang Chixia tried and asked.

"I like it more than a comfortable and luxurious palace." His eyes widened and he turned his head. He glanced at her and the twilight turned deep. "There is a place where you are."

In his words, the tone is particularly slow, low and low, like euphemisms like a confession.

Fang Chi Xia Yizhen, the scorpion slightly enlarged, the place of the chest heart, like something gently scratched.

After she had lost his words for a while, she squeaked out a sentence. "But, I will not go home, there will be something, and I will have a date with my friends."

"What friend? Is it a man or a woman?" Luo Yibei followed her words.

Fang Chi Xia, "..."

"Exactly, I am quite idle tonight, together!" Luo Yibei gaze sideways, faintly glanced at her, added another sentence.

Fang Chi Xia was blocked again by him.

Luo Yi's north lip corner is cold and hooked, and the eyes are ironic.

Play with him? Fang Chi Xia, you are still too tender!

The car continued to drive on the road. Fang Chi Xia looked at the window and just prepared to continue thinking about how to get out of the way. Luo Yibei was cold and couldn't help but float, "Elizabeth Street, No. 78, near here?"

He spoke very slowly, word by word, and his words were very clear.

Fang Chi Xia was stunned by a lightning bolt, his face turned to him, as if he was shocked.

He is talking about where she lives now!

78 Elizabeth Street!

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