The Overbearing Chief Husband’s Favorite: Baby

Chapter 1567: You have been dating for the past few days.

"Well?" Luo Yibei's eyebrows faintly pick, still waiting for her answer.

Fang Chi Xia returned to God, calmed his face, lightly hang his head, and his voice was faint. "I am overpowered, and I will not ask so much in the future."

She obviously only recognizes her identity as a subordinate.

Luo Yibei's face was a stiff face, and the corner of his lips raised a sarcasm.

It’s really clean!

Fang Chi Xia walked downstairs in a few steps, turned and wanted to go to the kitchen, took a few steps, as if he didn't figure it out, the footsteps suddenly stopped.

What is the relationship between him and his subordinates?

Back to his body turned abruptly, Fang Chixia swept Luo Yibei, and did not euphemistic with him, simply directly to the local to vent his dissatisfaction with him, "Luo Yibei, with our current relationship, you live in this way ,Does it fit?"

"What is our relationship now?" Luo Yibei slowed down to her, as if he had forgotten that he had just said the words of the bosses, and the eyebrows picked him up. "The relationship last night was still the same as the first two nights of South France. relationship?"

His words are particularly evil, as if they are in tune.

Fang Chi Xia Liu / 氓 but he, he was so angry that his chest together.

However, he had been jealous of him for a long time, but he did nothing.

Playing, playing, but fighting, but the rogue is also flowing, but she is actually very innocent to Luo Yibei.

"Don't face!" whispered a little, turning her back, she went straight to the kitchen.

At this time, she hated teeth and opened the refrigerator and prepared to make dinner. She even thought about whether she should break his three meals.

In this case, if he could not live, he would move away.

However, after taking out the same ingredients, Fang Chixia felt that his behavior was naive.

Not ordinary childish!

Deeply conditioning her breathing, she decided to find another way.

Simply prepared a dinner, two people solved, Fang Chixia looked early, ready to go for a walk, the footsteps have not yet taken, and worried that Luo Yibei alone placed at home to let him see something that should not be seen thing.

She hesitated and walked over to the man on the sofa.

"Would you like to take a walk together?"

Luo Yibei had a slight glimpse, and her proposal seemed to be somewhat unexpected.

"Look at nothing in the refrigerator, go out and buy it." Fang Chixia explained.

"Good." Unexpectedly, Luo Yibei is particularly good to discuss today.

Standing up, casually sorting out the folds of his shirt, he walked in front of the villa and went outside.

Fang Chixia followed him behind the villa, took the villa door, just prepared to walk in front of the road, Luo Yibei suddenly pulled her.

Pulling her hand, he pulled her arm around his arm.

A very natural movement, like two people in and out of the past.

Fang Chi Xia Yan stared at his arm and looked at it, slightly wrong.

“Where do you want to go?” Luo Yi’s north side looked around and his voice was light.

"Supermarket." Fang Chi Xia returned to God, his legs have not yet opened, and the ringing of the mobile phone suddenly sounded at this time.

Unfamiliar number, Fang Chi Xia does not know who.

She squatted and took the phone up.

"Summer and summer, North and North have not gone home these days, saying, are you together?" The voice of Xiaobaobao’s smile came from the other end of the phone, and it seemed to be very pleasant.

"Check the post again?" Fang Chi Xia is speechless, "Look at your SpongeBob!"

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