Fang Chixia took the sheet down the floor and slowly came to him. He stared at the sofa and looked at him. He was placed on his body.

Afraid to wake him up, her movements are very gentle, cautious, and even cautious.

Luo Yibei did not react, it should be sleeping.

Fang Chi Xia helped him cover the sheet, and did not leave immediately, but stood next to him and stared at him for a while.

She stared at him for a long time, her eyes stayed on his face, she seemed to be ecstatic, and she didn't know what she was thinking.

The long eyes of the man lying on the sofa seemed to tremble, but the eyes were still closed.

The lights in the living room were too dark, and Fangchi didn't notice it in summer.

His eyes stayed on Luo Yibei's face for about half an hour, turned around, and wanted to leave without a problem. When he stepped forward, his wrist was cold and he was dragged by one behind him.

Suddenly, the square summer back ridge seems to be filled with a strong current, suddenly stiff.

"What are you just looking at?" Behind him, Luo Yibei’s voice was faint.

Fang Chi Xia’s body seems to be stiffer.

Luo Yibei buckled her wrist and slammed her force, and gave her a glimpse. Fang Chixia whispered, and the body was under his strength, and she fell down along him.

The sound of "咚", the loud living room sounded a very dull sound.

Fang Chixia’s head hit the chest of Luo Yibei, and the lower abdomen was hit by somewhere.

Fang Chi Xia's uncomfortable snoring, conditionally want to climb from him, however, Luo Yibei is holding her waist and refused to let go.

"I haven't answered my question yet." Arms licked her waist, in the darkness, his eyes sparkled with a banter. "I think I look good?"

"You want more!" Fang Chixia calmed his face, and his long, beautiful fingertips smacked a small strand of hair in front of the forehead and propped up from him. "Just just thinking about things, standing Are you looking at you?"

She said very disdain, Luo Yibei was mad, picked a brow, he faintly asked, "Is it?"

Obviously questioning the tone, she just said, he does not believe at all!

"Really! Not too early, rest early!" Fang Chixia opened his hand and wanted to break away from his arms. However, he did not get up yet, but he was once again picked up by Luo Yibei.

His strength is very strong, very strong, hooping her arms like iron hoops, as strong as how she struggles to struggle.

"What are you going downstairs?" Luo Yibei also ignored her struggle, her face slowly inclined to her, the black ink was locked in her eyes, and the tip of her nose was close to her. "Caring about me?"

His tone was very slow, his lips almost affixed to her, and the warm breath spurted out of his mouth, swaying the nerves of Fang Chixia, making Fang Chixia's head somewhat dizzy.

"Hmmm?" Luo Yibei quietly observed her look, a faint word escaped from the side of the lips, and the tail was dragged a little longer.

Fang Chi Xia actually can't stand her at this time, so close to him, her heart is completely chaotic.

After his words, he was silent for a while, calmed his face, and unexpectedly, she did not deny it.

However, what is said is -

"Yeah, care!" The little face was lightly lifted, his eyes were on him, and she added indifferently. "If you are sick, I will take care of Xiaoyi!"

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