The Overbearing Chief Husband’s Favorite: Baby

Chapter 1610: a family of three sweet

The small milk bag whispered slightly, and her hand pushed her.

Tong Yan still didn't see it. She stood up and went upstairs without any trouble. "I'm bored below. I went to see a book."

She walked very simply, not even looking back.

The little milk bag hated her for not speaking loyalty, snoring, and shrinking from Fang Chi Xia, turning around and watching her quietly, thinking of other ideas.

"I am going to prepare dinner!" Fang Chixia turned and went straight to the kitchen.

Who knows, the forefoot just stepped in, Luo Yibei followed by the foot and went inside.

He seemed to be very idle, and slowly came to her side, his eyes lazily glanced around the cooking table, picked up a tomato in front of the cooking table and played it in his hands, and put it back.

"Would you like me to help you?" His eyes turned to the side of her face, and his face was a playful look.

"Is it very leisurely?" Fang Chi Xia lightly gave him a look.

"Fortunately!" Luo Yibei hooked the lip corner, turned and picked up a recipe next to it and looked at it casually.

Fang Chi Xia did not care about him, and he continued to do his own.

The two had just stayed in it for a few minutes, and the little milk bag suddenly came in.

The little short figure came to Fang Chixia step by step, leaning against the small face of the palm of his hand. He said the same thing as Luo Yibei, "Would you like me to help you?"

Fang Chi Xia over the side, his eyes moving down at an extremely slow speed, glanced at him, she gave him a disdainful look, "Is it you?"

"What happened to me? Can't you look down on children?" The small milk bag lifted his chin proudly, and the small body was quite good.

He didn't actually go through the kitchen at all, but he looked like he was confident.

Fang Chi Xia Lips and a pumping, pushed a small plate of small tomatoes to him, "That help wash this, not enough to let North and North help!"

Her special north-south voice, her voice was deliberately added a little heavy.

Luo Yi's north corner was pumping, and she looked at her with a strange look.

Fang Chi turned to the side of the summer, and continued to be busy with nothing.

"North-North, hug!" The small milk bag looked up at the small face and stretched out two short arms to Luo Yibei.

Luo Yi’s north lip licked and pulled him up.

Holding him on the counter, and with him, the two in the kitchen occasionally helped Fang Chi Xia to start.

A dinner was made by three people. Luo Yibei was responsible for washing things, and the small milk bag was responsible for adding spices to the cooking dishes from time to time.

He actually didn't do anything at all, but he played very happy when he added the seasoning, no matter how salty or hot, no matter how hot or so.

Today's dinner is very special. After a small milk bag, there is a taste of both sweet and sour.

When Fang Chixia was dining, she kept staring at Luo Yibei. She thought he would be very disgusted.

But Luo Yibei seems to wrinkle his brow, it seems that he is still very focused.

"Is it delicious?" Next to it, the little milk bag has covered his face and asked with a smile.

"Not bad." Luo Yibei faintly responded to him, stood up and prepared to leave the table, suddenly added another sentence, "I like it!"

The small milk bag was slightly stunned, and a pair of chins were almost lost.

The three-year-old child will not understand what this means, but Fang Chixia understands.

What he likes is not the taste of the dish. She knows that it is the feeling of just three people together in the kitchen...

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