The Overbearing Chief Husband’s Favorite: Baby

Chapter 1646: From young handsome to big

Where did I work, where I lived, what happened every day, who I have seen, even including Fasino and she met several times, all of them were investigated.

Luo Yibei took the information currently obtained, and a person sat in the study for a long time, and his mood was somewhat complicated.

What happened on that day?

"North-North, this I will not open!" The little milk fart turned up toward the study, holding a tank model in his hand, the small hand raised high.

He likes to study things in the past few days, and has dismantled the toys that can be dismantled at home. The last time he wanted to dismantle the real car, he also studied it.

Luo Yibei’s way of educating boys is a pity, but he is particularly pampered with the small milk bag.

Xiao Yi wanted to dismantle what, he let the dismantling, not enough, and let the servant buy it for him.

The little milk bag last time looked at his helicopter, and he had been arguing with him, and he was very diligent, and seemed to want to take it apart.

Luo Yibei also let him go.

However, the child who is less than four years old is ready to toss a ambition, and as a result, nothing has been moved to the plane.

Luo Yibei's attention was recalled by him, and he looked at him from the side and took him to his knee.

"Baby, is Chengxi's land adopted by you on September 16?" While helping him dismantle the tank, he chatted with the small milk bag.

"It’s said that Cheng Xiyi said this." The little milk bag returned him.

"Is the orphanage adopted?" Luo Yibei asked again.

"No, grabbed it from the bad guys." The small milk bag explained.

"Bad man?" Luo Yibei slightly glimpsed.

"Yeah, the bad guy who grabbed the child." The small milk bag explained to him, and the tone seemed to be very indignant.

He said that Luo Yibei naturally understands the bad guys in his mouth as a trafficker.

It turned out to be a child who was abducted, really poor!

“What did Cheng Xi’s land say?” Luo Yibei asked again.

He is also free to chat with Xiao Yi, originally wanted to listen to his story, who knows that Xiao Yi followed with a few words, "Cheng Xi said that I was born very handsome, not like other small The child is crumpled and ugly, saying that I am from a young man to a big one, and the genetics are very powerful!"

He said that he was particularly proud. The small chin was lightly lifted, and even if he praised himself several times, he would not feel embarrassed.

Luo Yi's north eye squats.

This narcissistic gene should also be inherited?

He was a little speechless to Xiao Yi, and put the toy in his hand aside. His eyes were faintly swept away on his face. Luo Yibei ruined him. "I have been back for so long. Should you learn to read the word?" I will recognize more words and be more handsome!"

He poked a small flaw.

So far, the small milk bag will know more words than the same age children, but it is only limited to the food names he likes, fried chicken.

This is a very serious problem.

Followed him, and later is the Luo family.

How can the Luo family not recognize the word?

"Baby, I started to teach you to read the words today!" Just face, Luo Yibei took a children's drawing board next to him.

The small milk bag sits on his lap and looks very seriously at what he is writing.

When Fang Chixia came in, Luo Yibei was teaching the little milk bag to read the words.

The first word he taught his children to recognize was not "squatting" but "hemp."

The small milk bag grew up abroad. The language that was learned from childhood was English, and the second was Sha Xingbao and Yan Chengxi.

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