However, he just returned from abroad, unable to make time, and finally instructed Fang Chi Xia to go.

Fang Chixia himself was managing the company's advertising company earlier, and she was naturally interested in shooting advertisements.

Luo Yibei made such a proposal, she was happy to accept the afternoon and Cheng Anning went together.

The place where the advertisement was shot was a forest. The shooting site had many flower walls built with vines wrapped around the trunk.

Each wall is made up of a number of root trunks with a lot of flowers on it for the garden feel.

When Fang Chi Xia Cai arrived at the scene, an accident occurred.

When she arrived, all the walls were piled up, the trunks were piled up very stable, and even the bouquets were entangled.

However, her figure just arrived, and when she went to the venue and was preparing for supervision, the trunk that had been piled up well, somehow, suddenly screamed -

All collapsed!

The flower wall piled up by one thick trunk is three or four meters high, and it is dumped. The trunk is all in the direction of Fang Chi Xia.

"Miss Fang, be careful!" In the crowd, I don't know who exclaimed.

I haven't waited for the situation of the pool and summer, and there is another exclamation around, "Nation, be careful!"

Fang Chi Xia did not know what happened and did not have time to see it.

I only felt that the body was pushed open in a sudden burst of strength. When I returned to God, the original trunk had crashed to the ground, and a peaceful side was poured next to it.

Fang Chi Xia Yan looked at her, staring at her pale face, stunned for a while, and did not respond to what had just happened.

Until, I don’t know who screamed around. "Day! Peace is hurt! I have to shoot advertisements this afternoon. What can I do now? Come, send the hospital!"

Fang Chixia returned to God after the high-decibel voice of the man, and looked at Cheng Anning, who was staring stiffly at his side.

Her face was very white, white was not a little bloody, her ankle was bleeding, and a large blush of blood stained the white gauze on her body, which seemed to be not hurt.

“Are you alright?” Fang Chixia returned to God and sat up with her body.

"It's okay! I am not so weak!" Cheng Anning smiled at her and showed her wrists to her.

She wants to let Fang Chixia know that she is not so delicate, her wrist is not thick, but it is not slender to make people feel delicate.

"Don't say so much, go to the hospital to see the situation!" Pressing her hand, connected several staff to lift her up, a large group of people escorted her to the hospital.

Cheng Anning was crushed by the ankles. After going to the hospital, after a series of examinations, he was finally hospitalized.

Cheng Anning considered the advertisement for the afternoon, and did not want to be hospitalized, or the doctor was forced to stay.

She was injured in the summer of the rescue pool, Fang Chixia also stayed with her.

She and Cheng Anning are not familiar with each other. They have seen one or two faces. The behavior of Cheng Anning today made her very surprised.

“What did you think?” she asked why Cheng Anning had to rush over.

Cheng Anning bent her lips and gave her an answer that surprised her. "You are the wife of Luo Shaoye. If he is injured, he is so distressed!"

Fang Chi Xia slightly stunned, watching her eyes a little surprised.

"I have nothing, a little injury." Cheng Anning smiled and said that he did not care.

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