The Overbearing Chief Husband’s Favorite: Baby

Chapter 1674: Dark identification

Fang Chixia hit him with a slight surprise.

"When is it coming back?" Cold and cold saw her seemingly surprised, her eyes crossed her car, and she squinted at the direction she had just driven.

The intersection of Fang Chi Xia has just set up a signpost for the kindergarten.

A very cute sign made of wood, the name of the kindergarten is clearly written on it, and an arrow indicating the direction is also included.

Cold praying coldly looked at the sign, and did not know if it was the illusion of Fang Chixia. She seemed to feel that his eyes were deeper.

"I have been back home for a few days. I feel that you have been very busy, afraid to disturb you, so I didn't say hello to you!" She replied, and she called back his attention.

"When was this so comfortable with me?" Cold prayed cold and looked back, his brow wrinkled.

"I am telling the truth, I really think so."

Cold praying cold picked a brow, and slammed her with a slight slap in the face, did not say the letter, did not say no.

Fang Chi Xia will have to help Luo Yibei deal with a lot of translations, and watched the time, it is not early, she greeted him, the car drove away.

The speed is still very fast, and it has disappeared in a flash.

Cold praying cold sitting in the car, the corner of the eye behind the direction of her car disappeared, and looked at the kindergarten sign in front of the eyes, eyes sinking.

The nearby road is quiet and his car stays here for a long time.

At nine o'clock, he did not go straight ahead, but drove in the direction of the kindergarten.

When it arrives, the kindergarten happens to be the rest period.

Although the small milk bag sometimes has a lot of words, but more often, like Luo Yibei, he likes to be quiet and dislikes the noisy environment.

During the break, in order to avoid being surrounded by a large group of girls, he went to the kindergarten playground alone.

Sitting on the stone steps, he is playing with his little bag.

Luo Yibei sent him a magical bag that can play a protective role, with a dark needle in the bag.

Outside the playground, a long figure stood far away, and his eyes fell in his direction.

The other person stared at him for a long time, looked at it for a while, then a phone call did not know who to call.

"Please do me a favor!"

"Cold Master, please say!"

"I want a child's hair..."

The sound behind it is getting smaller and smaller until it is completely inaudible.

After the phone call, the long shadow on the playground turned to go outside the school gate.

In the afternoon of the same day, Fang Chixia received a phone call from the cold and cold when he was at the company.

Did not say anything, just let her go out to sit.

Fang Chi Xia only when he was invited because he hadn't seen her for a long time, hesitated and went out.

After meeting, I didn’t say anything about cold and cold, just a few words with her, and then the two people went out together.

"I will send you!" Standing on the road outside the restaurant, cold and cold advice.

"No, I have a car!"

"Okay! Be careful on the road!"

Cold and cold did not insist, accompanied her to her car, help the pool to open the door in the summer, when she bent over the car, his fingertips broke the long hair.

Very slight movement, Fang Chi Xia did not feel anything, and immediately drove off after getting on the bus.

Cold and cold eyes sent her car shadow disappeared, the hand fixed the long hair in the palm of his hand, sinking and sinking, holding the palm of his hand, driving on the car and driving a black sports car to some direction in the car...

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