"Okay, I am going to take you there!" He picked him up and Luo Yibei led the two to go outside Disney.

I found a very high-end Western restaurant, ordered a steak for him, ordered some seafood, and the small milk bag was responsible for eating. Luo Yibei was responsible for helping him deal with the shell and cut the meat.

The little milk was eaten while he was staring at him.

His eyes were on the knife in the hands of Luo Yibei.

His meal is very slow, eating and eating, and from time to time will pick up his child's mobile phone to see if there is a caller ID.

He is waiting for Schloed to arrive in the United States.

The plan for the small milk package is that when Schloed’s phone is called, he will find a way to get the blood of Luo Yibei.

A lunch, which could have been solved in half an hour, he ate for more than two hours.

At four o'clock, Schloed's phone called.

When the small milk bag saw his photo on the caller ID, his eyes were bright.

Picking up the phone, he went to the corner and answered the call.

"Hey, little Lolo, are you here?"

"Well, where are you? Uncle is coming soon."

"We are, at..." The small milk bag stared out at the door of the restaurant and reported to him several English words he knew, "Lasha!"

"Five minutes later." Schloed hung up.

After receiving the phone call, the small milk bag returned to Luo Yibei if nothing happened. Nothing happened. I picked up the tableware and continued to use my own meal.

"Who did you call?" Luo Yibei faintly asked.

"No, my friend called to ask us if we are here."

Luo Yibei was only a child of his kindergarten, not asking much.

Holding the knife, he continued to cut the beef in the plate for the small milk bag.

The small milk bag looked at his movements in silence, and secretly counted the time when Schloed arrived.

Five minutes into the countdown, his elbow suddenly pushed Luo Yibei's hand.

The tip of the knife in the hands of Luo Yibei was just facing the finger of the other hand. A sudden movement made the hand holding the knife forward, and the tip of the knife just cut through the fingertips.

"Hey, you are bleeding!" The small milk bag exclaimed, stood up and took a few paper towels and made an action to help him wipe.

However, after the small hand held his hand, the behavior of the small milk bag was, and it quietly squeezed his fingertips.

An action will undoubtedly make the blood flow more.

Luo Yibei slightly frowned.

The small milk bag body went to him in front of him, blocking his sight, and took a small syringe from his arms.

A very small one, he was not daring to take a pinhole into the Luo Yibei fingertips to sample, but to extract him out.

His movements were very fast, and his body blocked the sights of Fang Chi Xia and Luo Yibei.

Fang Chixia saw his behavior a bit weird, stood up and wanted to help, "Baby, can you?"

The small milk bag returned to God. If the syringe was hidden, she smiled at her side. "A little bit of blood, it should be indifferent to North and North."

Luo Yi North corner of the pump.

However, this is true.

"Will you continue to eat?" Didn't take the injury on his fingertips, Luo Yibei continued to help him deal with seafood.

"No, I will come over with a small Lolo, I will go out to play with him!" The little milk bag smiled and waved.

When Luo Yibei heard the name of Shi Luo, his brow wrinkled.

Suspicion looked at Xiao Yi, he picked up his eyebrows, "Schlo?"

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