The Overbearing Chief Husband’s Favorite: Baby

Chapter 1711: My family's genes are so good.

He asked very cautiously, his eyes kept staring at him for a moment, and he even had a look of hope.

Luo Yibei looked up and looked at him. He did not directly answer his question. Instead, he gave him a more direct answer. "I like you!"

A very clear answer, whether he likes children or not, he likes himself to be sure.

The gaze of the small milk bag brightened a lot after his words. He followed his words and asked, "Would you have your own summer and summer children if you squat?"

"You are not a child of the land and summer and summer?" Luo Yibei raised an eyebrow and faintly asked.

What he meant by this is that the little milk bag is no different from his own child.

His words are actually a reassurance for the small milk package.

However, Xiao Yi is very clear. The premise of his words is that he does not know his blood relationship with himself.

If you know, if you are a woman who was born through unbearable means, will Luo Yibei’s attitude still be like this?

"North-North..." The small milk bag stared at him for a long time. After a moment of silence, he tried again. "Summer is your wife. Have you had children in summer and summer?"

He is actually testing whether he is a child of Fang Chi Xia.

However, the next words of Luo Yibei completely ruined his expectations.

Luo Yibei’s gaze lingered after his words, and he was silent for a long while. “There was a problem, but there was an accident, and it was aborted before it was born.”

Abortion before birth.

A little bit may not give Xiao Yi.

If something happened after birth, he thought there might be some hope.

However, Fang Chi Xia has no children before birth...

Xiao Yi’s gaze suddenly faded.

"Well, don't mention these, don't pretend these in the summer and summer, like the words of your younger brother and sister, and work hard!" Luo Yibei licked his head, took a bath towel wrapped around his body, and took him Hugged up from the bathtub.

When he took him out, he was stuffed into Fang Chi Xia Li, and after Luo Yibei he turned to the bathroom.

Fang Chi Xia took over Xiao Yi and placed him on the sofa. He lowered his head and patiently helped him wipe his short hair.

The little milk bag looked up at the little face and kept staring at her.

He was observing that he and she had no similarities, and even took out a mirror and looked at the faces of the two.

Fang Chi Xia only when he was in narcissism, his lips smudged, she teased, "Is it not so handsome to sleep?"

"Of course! Who doesn't look at my genetic inheritance!" The small milk bag lifted the small chin and mentioned the gene. He is now particularly proud.

"Who is genetic?" Fang Chixia responded to his words reflexively, and stared at him with interest.

"Genetic..." The little milk bag just wanted to say, but, thinking of Gangluo Yibei, he talked to his lips and held back the impulse. "I am genetically stunned!"

Fang Chixia did not ask who he was.

The problem of parents, like herself, has always been a taboo for small milk bags.

"Okay, take a break after the hair is dry, we have to go home tomorrow!" Fang Chixia helped him to blow his hair down, blowing almost dry, and holding him to the bed.

The little milk bag was lying on the bed, and the hand was holding the chin and staring at her quietly.

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