His words are indifferent, tough, and even without a little bit of affection.

Obviously, Su dyeing this time completely made him angry.

He was provoked, and more reasons were not because of Su Yin’s doing things, but because those things were done to Su Mu!

Su Tian couldn’t accept the granddaughter’s departure for so many days, but it was because of this reason!

Su dye was finally taken away, and the dinner was quiet because of her departure.

Lorch stood on the stage and was shocked to see the glory of Cheng Anning on the stage. It took him a few minutes to digest the facts he had just heard.

She is Su Mu!

The person who has been looking for, is always around!

This discovery made him happy except for the accident.

If she is Su Mu, many things will be solved relatively well!

Luo Yibei from Cheng Anning came to the stage, his face has been black.

He seemed to be angry, his body was very cold, and even Fang Chi Xia, who was standing beside him, felt the coldness conveyed from him.

Guan Yining glanced coldly on the stage and turned around. He wanted to leave. The Cheng Anning on the stage suddenly followed up, "Easy, wait!"

Luo Yibei ignored it and still went back to his own.

He walked very quickly, strode to his car, took the door with his backhand, and even didn't wait for Fang Chi Xia to get on the bus.

Cheng Anning ran in a few steps, his hand coming in from the window, blocking his driving action, "Wait!"

"Miss Cheng, remember what I had promised before I brought you back?" Luo Yibei looked up, his eyes swept to her, and his tone was cold.

"I know, but I don't always understand why you didn't let me go back to Su's home! In the case of the situation, if I don't show up, Grandpa will always be blinded by Su dyeing. I can't control the scene like that! I Can't control it, you know? Looking at your favorite grandfather is in front of you, but being so deceived, can you understand what kind of mood it is?"

She said it was very moving and her eyes were red.

Cheng Anning was retrieved from Luo Yibei a few years ago and recovered from the orphanage.

It was an accident to meet her.

Seeing her face, Luo Yibei just felt that there was a little bit like Su Mu.

Cheng Anning himself can remember some of the occasional fragments of childhood, not completely, but can recognize him.

I remember him, and I know some of the earlier things. There is basically nothing to doubt about identity.

Luo Yibei brought her back and signed the agreement to push her agreement before the two had agreed.

Luo Yibei only has one request, she can't go back to Sujia! Can't return to Su Mu's identity!

Cheng Anning also did a good job in the past few years. He did not care about the Su family. Occasionally, people who saw the Su family on TV were also treated as strangers.

However, on such a critical occasion today, in the face of so many people suddenly made a dear, this is what Luo Yibei did not expect!

Cheng Anning didn't know that he believed her words were not, his hand pressed his steering wheel tightly, his eyes were red and red.

Luo Yibei’s eyes stunned and stunned his temples.

"I know, you didn't want me to intervene in Suluo's earlier marriage contract?" Cheng Anning looked at him quietly, lifted his chin and assured him with assurance, "You can rest assured, I still Did not fall to the point where people robbed her husband."

Luo Yibei licked his lips and did not speak.

"I just don't want Grandpa to continue to be deceived by such awkward people." Cheng Anning stressed again.

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