The Overbearing Chief Husband’s Favorite: Baby

Chapter 1744: You are in the world, you are just fine.

He is particularly natural in doing this movement, naturally as if he has done this innumerable times.

that's the truth.

If it was a child, Fang Chi Xia would be like a bird to be fed, and it would be enough to eat enough to feed him.

However, now she is not her childhood, he is not the same as him.

Fang Chi Xia is very clear about his current status. There are so many people in the scene tonight, she does not want to make any gossip.

"No, I will come by myself!" I took a plate from the side, and she chose to give herself and Tong Yan the same taste.

Cold praying cold accompanied her, followed her footsteps, and occasionally used a pair of tweezers to help her pick up the dishes.

"How come tonight?"

"Look at the excitement!" Fang Chi Xia squinted at Su Tian and Cheng An Ning, not far from the distance, and the tone was particularly light.

Cold and cold eyes looked at her in the sight of her, slightly stunned.

He did not expect that she would open this kind of thing now.

"If you don't want to entertain so many people, go back soon!" Fang Chixia thought of the scene he had just deliberately avoided, and carefully selected the dishes while reminding.

"Don't want to." Cold praying cold and faintly refused.

"Why." Fang Chixia was curious.

Cold and cold looking at the side of her face, staring at her for a few seconds, her eyes deep, "because you are here!"


The scorpion hit the plate and made a crisp sound. Fang Chi Xia took the hand of the scorpion and slipped.

Cold and cold, the sight was taken back, and if nothing happened, he continued to scan the food on the spot.

Feel free to take a little bit, taste the mouth, feel good, he will hand it over to her.

"When those people are here, you should be very busy. Yan Yan is still waiting for me, I will send the food first!" Fang Chixia returned to God, and did not have the patience to continue to choose here, simply Sheng two The big plate of food turned and went to the direction of Tong Yan.

Cold and cold eyes moved along her figure, watching her rushed footsteps, fingertips smashed the plate.

Is it even avoiding him with him now?

Fang Chi Xia did not go to the side after leaving, came to Tong Yan, originally wanted to sit down and continue to talk with her, then Tong Yan handed two empty glasses to her, "I want two cups, treasure ,you are the best!"

Fang Chi Xia hated her and turned back to the self-help area.

Cold and cold has not left yet, leaning against a marble column, holding a cocktail in his hand, he stared at her leisurely.

Fang Chixia passed by him and took two glasses of wine for Tong Yan. He wanted to leave again, but he was stopped by him. "Just chatting with me here, so many people are present, I am worried that I will make what?"

Fang Chixia felt that she was a bit too sloppy to avoid him. In fact, she and the coldest cold best state, she felt that it was natural, faint, and no one mentioned anything beyond the boundaries of friends.

When she thought about it, she stopped.

Standing with him, his gaze looked down at his sight. She accidentally found the direction of cold and cold looking, and it turned out to be Luo Yibei.

Luo Yibei was still with Cheng Anning at this time. He was in peace with him, and introduced her to them one by one.

Not far away is Su Tian and Lorge, Lorch holding a thing in his hand, the two seem to be discussing what they started, and then they came to Luo Yibei and Cheng Anning here.

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