Fang Chixia was speechless to the small milk bag, and there was no expression on the face from the beginning to the end.

The small milk packet was used up, and she walked very happily to take her hand and took her to the direction of Luoyibei.

Fang Chi Xia hurts him very much. He thinks that if he is there, even if he is looking at his face, Fang Chi Xia may not be too stiff with Luo Yibei.

However, taking her to the side of Luo Yibei, there was an accident at the scene.

Outside the door, a figure slowly walked towards this side.

When I came to the restaurant door, my eyes narrowed and I glanced at the faces of several people in the restaurant. The men who came in took the slender legs and walked toward Fang Chi Xia.

The small milk bag is staring at the man who is getting closer and closer to the two people, and some of them are not responding to the current situation. It seems to be stupid.

How did he come?

Cold and cold, slowly walked in, and did not look at Luo Yibei in the distance, and went straight to Fang Chixia.

"I just got off the plane, I am not familiar with this, don't take me around?"

"Good." Fang Chixia very happy to promise, holding a small milk bag and walking in front of the restaurant.

The small milk bag passively followed her, and while walking, she looked at Luo Yibei, who was frequently behind her.

How did things develop like this?

Luo Yibei stiffly stood in the same place, staring coldly at the two people who had already left the restaurant, and said with no expression, "Stop!"

Fang Chi Xia did not know that he heard it, and he still did not return to his own.

Cold, cold and slow, she followed her, took her wrist and pulled her to her side. The two men changed from one after the other to the side.

"I said, stop!" Behind him, Luo Yibei’s voice rang again.

His voice was very high, and the chill of his sensation was like a cold, biting wind, and the whole restaurant felt it.

Fang Chixia's wrist twitched twice in the cold and cold hands, trying to pull his hand out, but he was forced to press it.

"If that night happened to me, I wouldn't let my woman suffer such a big grievance!" Cold and cold hands glared at her, still leading her away from the restaurant.

Fang Chi Xia’s chest was like being pinched by a needle and didn’t speak.

The small milk bag was still held by her, and she kept watching her face quietly.

Looking at her so silent, the small milk bag has the feeling of being finished.

"Fang Chi Xia, can't you hear me?" Behind him, Luo Yibei's voice rang for the third time.

His tone is extraordinarily overbearing, just like every moment in recent years, even in such a situation, it is still as cold as ever.

The steps at the foot of Fang Chi Xia did not stop, and the cold and cold steps did not stop.

Luo Yibei's face was heavy, and the slender legs walked up to the two people. He came to the two people, and his face was sideways. His eyes swept away from the cold and cold face. Then he lifted his hand and pointed his fist at him. The face flew over.

He shot very fast, and people who are so cold and cold have not reacted.

Cold and cold face in the middle of the face, a few drops of blood on the corner of the mouth.

"Luo Yibei, what are you doing?" Fang Chixia changed his face and wanted to check his situation, but he was picked up by Luo Yibei.

"After retreating!" The three words are cold, without a half-point temperature.

"Don't make trouble here!" Fang Chixia was speechless to him and wanted to go forward to stop his behavior. However, his footsteps had just begun, but he was once again picked up by Luo Yibei.

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