The Overbearing Chief Husband’s Favorite: Baby

Chapter 1759: Indulge all your arrogance

His tone is very overbearing, even if it is clearly expressed in deep emotions, but the tone is still used to the strength.

Fang Chi Xia back stiffened against his back.

"My grandfather's business is just as unreasonable as before. If you don't care, you don't care about anything. As for the rest, just give it to me." Luo Yibei looked at her quietly, his eyes deepened. "I indulge you all the arrogance and pride, you just carry your chin proudly and do it yourself!"

His words are undoubtedly giving her a gold medal, letting her despise all the Ronchi factions like him.

"Luo Yibei!" Fang Chixia put the pen in his hand on the shelf, put the drawing board to the side, stood up, and gaze at his eyes. "How did you think about this time?"

Luo Yibei Wei Wei, the expression on his face was stagnant.

Fang Chi Xia line and he staggered, sat back in the chair and repainted the design.

This time, Lorge was so big and quiet, not the problem she insisted on, staring at so many criticisms, how can she get calm and be with him?

"On this question?" Luo Yibei licked his temple, and gave her a slap. "I will deal with it after returning home, now, come over!"

He said it was a matter of course, and the hand even wanted to smack her directly from the balcony.

"Little Yi is handed over to you tonight." Fang Chixia was speechless to him, and ignored his words. He pushed his hand away. She held the design and continued to draw her own against the guardrail.

Luo Yi North side, the line of sight was lowered, and he looked at his little milk bag with his eyes wide open, and his eyes were slightly pumped.

The small milk bag probably knows that the two are in a bad mood, pouting, and do not need Luo Yibei to open the bed, crawling on the bed and sleeping.

Luo Yibei was accompanying him all night.

Sleeping with him for a night, the two people got up very early the next day, Luo Yibei took him to run a few steps on the beach.

When he got up, it was more than four o'clock, and the sunrise on the beach had not come out yet.

When I was finished with a small milk bag, it was six o'clock. It was estimated that Fang Chi Xia should not be up yet. When I walked into the resort, I saw that there was a flower at the door. I bought a bunch and I wanted to give it. Chi Xia has a good mood.

Who knows, when I came to her room, I was surprised to find that people are gone.

The sheets in the room were very neat, like the way people got up early.

"Where have you been?" Luo Yi was over the head and asked the waiter who opened the door with no expression.

The waiter shook his head.

He put the flowers in his hand on the side, he did not divide her room and his room, went in and took a shower, changed to clean clothes and went to the restaurant downstairs, he thought she should be there, however Still, she was not found in the restaurant.

Luo Yibei stopped in the same place, his eyes glanced at the scene, and his brow wrinkled.

I took a chair with a small milk bag and sat down. I simply used the meal and wanted to go nearby to find it. A lame Indonesian language suddenly came. "Salad horse."

Very pronounced pronunciation, Fang Chi Xia, Luo Yibei did not hear the language of her country so unsatisfactory, said thank you.

Answering her is a male voice. I don’t know what to say in Indonesian. Fang Chixia said, "Delhi Ma Xixi."

The same lame pronunciation, but her voice sounded very different from last night, and seemed a little more pleasant than last night.

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