Fang Chi Xia has thought about Xiao Yi is not fun, where did one go.

I ran around the resort and found the whole garden. However, I still couldn't find the shadow of the child.

Luo Yibei and her split, after looking down for a while near the hotel, did not find someone, and then adjusted the hotel monitoring.

The AYANA Hotel is very well monitored and has strict security checks in and out of the hotel.

This is one of the reasons why Luo Yibei neglected this Xiao Yi safety.

The monitoring clearly shows a black man who walked out of the floor elevator and went straight to the front of Xiaoyimen, but his face was always low and he could not see his face.

The subsequent monitoring did not show the picture of the two people leaving. After Xiao Yi was taken away, there was no clue when he left the floor where the family of three lived.

Luo Yibei stared at the monitor screen for a long time, secretly contemplating for a while, and coldly ordered a large group of bodyguards coming from behind the hotel. "Continue to search at the resort, people may not have gone out yet!"

A large group of people left the monitoring room after his words and continued to search for a large resort in a few ways.

In the monitoring room, only Luo Yibei and Fang Chi Xia were left for a while.

After Fang Chi Xia has disappeared from Xiao Yi, the heart is completely chaotic.

Looking sideways, eyes and Luo Yibei ran into it, thinking that she had just been reminded again and again, she was a little angry, watching his eyes are spurting out of the fire.

Luo Yibei touched his nose, his hand stiffened and patted her shoulder.

"Children will find me, don't worry!"

"First find the child!" Fang Chixia now does not want to say anything, as soon as he turns, follow the security guard and go downstairs.

A large group of people, divided into several ways, first looking for a place along the garden, still did not find people, then the various rooms of the resort...

At this moment, in a certain room in the corner, a small sound of "唔唔" was transmitted through the thin door panel. The sound was not very loud. It was drowned in the sound of the sea breeze outside the door. I didn't listen carefully and couldn't hear it.

Outside the door, people dressed in neat hotel waiter costumes came in and out of the tray, coming and going from outside the house several times, but no one noticed.

In the room, the sound of "唔唔" sounded again, accompanied by the sound of the wall being hit.

However, the sound is too weak and nobody hears it.

Outside the room, Luo Yibei did not bring bodyguards, and he was looking for a room in the entire resort.

When entering this villa, the whole resort has been rummaged around him.

There were not many rooms in each villa. I entered one of them and raised my hand. He slammed the door.

Opening the door is a blond European, middle-aged man, surprised to see him.

"Goodevening!" paid tribute to the man, Luo Yibei fluently in English, and told him about the situation in detail.

"OK, please!" The man gave up a road and cooperated with him to find it.

The first room, there is no clue.

Luo Yi went in and went around and changed to the second room.

He searched very carefully. When searching, he was quietly observing the reaction of the guests.

After searching several times, I finally came to the two rooms in the corner.

In a room in the corner, "吱吱呜呜" is like a child's voice, and it continues, but it quickly stops.

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