The Overbearing Chief Husband’s Favorite: Baby

Chapter 1780: It’s time to let go.

"After the child's accident!" Her voice was a lot more ups and downs than before. This is the first time since the time of the incident that Fasno has seen her so emotional fluctuations for the first time.

This way, she let Fasino see it again.

"What happened?" He groaned, he tried to ask.

"Answer me!" Fang Chi Xia eagerly asked.

Fasino didn't know what happened to her. If it was something else, I heard Fang Chixia's tone of hope. He might deceive her once with a good faith lie.

However, the child’s affairs four years ago, the past is over!

Fasno didn't want her to get stuck with it.

"When the doctor rescued the child, I saw it when I took it out. Didn't you touch it yourself?" Recalling the situation at the time, Fasino told the truth.

Fang Chi Xia was like a splash of cold water, and the place was stiff and in place, and the point that had just risen was expected to be shattered by him.

He was right, the second child, when she touched the child herself.

Although she could not see the situation at the time, the child’s excessively cold body temperature has already explained everything.

Fang Chixia held the phone with his handcuffs hanging down, hung up the phone, and recalled the situation at the time. She had not recovered since she hung up the phone for a long time.

The place where she stood was a balcony, and the angle she stood on looked down, just to see the garden downstairs.

The small milk bag is a lot of money in the garden. He is usually a child of a gentleman. His words and deeds are much more than the North.

However, he sometimes does not even need to teach Luo Yibei, nor did he see him, but he can be exactly the same as Luo Yibei.

For example, when treating a pet.

A lot of money is probably too naughty, and the little milk bag is provoked.

The little milk bag was a little angry, carrying the small chin proudly, looking at the money very coldly, then **** it directly to the neck and throwing it away.

A very simple and rude action, Luo Yibei was provoked by the cats and dogs in the house, and the actions were generally the same, and the two people even twisted the pet's body parts.

This small milk bag is like a miniature version of Luo Yibei.

Fang Chixia stood upstairs and stared quietly at Xiao Yi, who was watching it for a while. When she thought of Fasino, she suddenly became contradictory.

Luo Yibei is also downstairs, coming out of the living room, watching the little milk bag seems to be a little boring, and Yan Chengxi left and left, he left the hall and went to the tennis court of the castle.

After the small milk bag, he played tennis with Luo Yibei.

The two are side by side, holding the tennis racket, the standing position, and even the running posture are the same.

However, one leg runs faster and one leg runs slower.

The small milk bag holds a tennis racket and the picture he runs is particularly cute. The picture of the two people is also very warm.

The copy of the copy is a big one, the five senses are not very similar at the moment, but when the words and deeds are consistent, it feels like a god.

Fang Chixia stared at the two people out of the air.

Downstairs, the small milk bag corner of the corner of her eyes slanted to the balcony, she waved her hand to her, "summer summer, do not come down together!"

"No, you can continue!" Fang Chi Xia swayed at him, but the small milk bag insisted on asking, "Let's help us take pictures!"

Square pool summer black line.

If you play tennis, you have to take a special photo to take pictures. How many narcissistic people can do this?

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