The Overbearing Chief Husband’s Favorite: Baby

Chapter 1828: You are really dirty my eyes

When they walked out of the door, the voice of Luo Yibei suddenly sounded. "What is the situation now?"

"As with last night, it is very difficult to completely cure it." The doctor returned to him and turned and left.

The ward was quiet again.

The atmosphere has once again fallen into a stagnant state.

Su Tian was smashed by Fang Chi Xia, and in front of so many people present, she is now hating her teeth, and her eyes are always like a thorn.

"Anneness needs rest, and irrelevant people want to give the patient a little rest space." The corner of the eye squinted at Fang Chixia, and he was cold and ironic.

He is rushing.

Fang Chixia did not want to stay here too much, holding a small milk bag, and the head side left.

She walked very simply, like staying here for a minute, facing Su Tian for a while, but it stained her eyes.

Su weathered his teeth and creaked.

This dead girl!

"Since the old man has spoken, then we should leave." Luo Yibei deliberately misinterpreted his meaning and classified himself as an unrelated person.

When Fang Chi Xia left, he did not return to the ground and followed the ward.

Su Tian was almost sick from two people.

Luo Yibei went very fast, and while walking, he was looking for Fang Chi Xia in the hospital.

When I walked out of the hospital gate, there was no shadow of Fang Chi Xia outside.

Luo Yibei was afraid that she would think too much. She looked around the door and found no one. She found a car and looked around.

I took out the phone and wanted to call her. When I turned it on, the message of the small milk bag suddenly sounded.

Earlier, and when Fang Chi Xia Zizi left the identification center, he was very excited and very happy. He said that Fang Chi Xia had important things to tell him, otherwise he would regret it.

Luo Yibei sat in the car, looked at the front with a gaze, and listened to the voice of the small milk bag on the phone over and over again. The first reaction in his head was that Fang Chi Xia had a baby.

The heart twitched and turned the car up. He suddenly increased the speed and continued to look for it in the city.

He looked around for a long time, Fang Chi Xia just left, and he felt that he should be able to hit her.

Who knows that the whole city has been found all over again, but there is no glimpse of the figure.

In the middle of the journey, Luo Yibei played a lot of her calls and was not answered at one time.

Luo Yibei worried that she would suddenly leave like the same time as six years ago. She repeatedly dialed a call again, and no one answered. He drove straight to the home on the three-person island.

When I arrived at home, it was already dark.

The whole castle is brightly lit, and Fang Chi Xia seems to be at home.

Luo Yibei took the car to the door and leaned over his head to look at the maid standing outside the door. "Is the lady coming back?"

"Yes." The maid gave him a positive answer.

"With the young master?"

"Yes, I came back very early."

Luo Yibei sighed and handed the car to the maid to stop and strode into the castle.

When entering the house, Fang Chixia played with the small milk bag in the living room to play with toys. The two placed a lot in front of them and filled the whole living room.

Although she is very clever, she is a bit unfamiliar with the mechanical things, and she has not taken it up.

The small milk bag is hurting her, and speaking is not at all polite. "Mummy, you are stupid! I will do this! Do you want me to teach you?"

Fang Chi Xia, "..."

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