After Fang Chi Xia left, he did not come back in the morning.

There was a morning incident, and Luo Yibei did not go out all day.

At noon, looking at the empty kitchen, he was annoyed.

After coming out, I looked at the empty, no small milk bag and her house, no more irritating.

At eight o'clock in the evening, I still didn't see Fang Chi Xia's figure. His heart suddenly sank, and somehow in his head, he remembered the words of Xiao Yi in the ward.

Luo Yibei’s chest was like a heavy knock on something. He took the coat and walked around and ran out of the villa.

He searched for a long time along every square pool where he might go, and Fang Chi Xia’s figure did not see it.

Looking for an entire night, the audio of Fang Chi Xia, still not at all.

Luo Yibei was looking for two days, and there was no news about her!

Fang Chi Xia disappeared completely, and he was hurt by his indifference!

No one knows where she went and didn't take anything.

When Luo Yibei came back with the exhausted body on the morning of the third day, the villa was still cold and clear.

What surprised him was that the small milk bag was actually there.

Xiao Yi seems to be waiting for him. The little figure is accompanied by two servants. Sitting in the room where Fang Chi Xia was sitting cross-legged, holding a mobile phone in his hand, seems to be calculating the time when he came back.

I also put two folders around, I don’t know what is loaded, and there is a camera.

When he saw him back, Xiaoyi stood up and took one of the folders and came to him. "This is what Mummy has left for you!"

Luo Yibei sneaked a little, and the hand stiffened and opened the file.

Two paternity test reports, one with the name of the applicant, Fang Chi Xia and Xiao Yi, one without a name.

Luo Yibei stared at two parent-child reports for a long time, his eyes looked stiff and looked at Xiaoyi.

"This is me and you! Mommy left it to you!" The small milk bag pointed to a copy of the name without a note, and he explained it to him with no expression.

Luo Yibei’s hand stiffened and held two reports, and his fingertips shivered slightly.

Staring at the data on the report for a while, his eyes turned incredibly to the face of Xiao Yi, "When did you know?"

"It was just a while ago." The little milk bag replied faintly.

"Why are you telling me now?" Luo Yibei's eyes were very stagnant. I don't know if it was the illusion of a small milk bag. He seemed to see a slight wetness in his eyes.

"Summer and summer want to tell you a few times, but you didn't want to hear it." The little milk bag answered with an understatement.

Turned around, looked at the camera not far away, turned and walked over, handed him the camera, "This is not left by Mommy, I found it in her room."

Luo Yibei slightly stunned, his hand stiffened and opened the camera.

What is stored in the camera is about the life of Fang Chixia four years ago.

I took pictures of myself, and I showed up at the beginning of pregnancy and became bigger. Every stage was taken.

Luo Yibei stared at her in the camera with disappointment, her eyes fixed on her eyes, and she looked at the action of her groping in the camera. He was shocked, and the position of the heart of the chest seemed to be opened by something, hurting blood. Dripping.

The little milk bag watched his reaction quietly and handed the second document to him. "This is what Mummy left for you."

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