The small milk bag arranged his own appearance in the mirror, and did not talk to him much. He turned and went directly to the restaurant.

Climbing up the table and not letting the servant serve, he took the child's spoon and knife and fork with his own self-reliance and handled the food himself.

The action is not very ugly, but it also looks different.

Luo Yibei walked downstairs and stopped at the spiral staircase. He stared at him quietly for a while, and his eyes were stagnant.

This kind of Xiaoyi makes him particularly distressed.

Dudu, the ringtone of the phone rings at this time.

Lonci called.

As soon as he opened his mouth, his voice was very cold. "You are not afraid of what the people of Sujia made to her?"

Very cold tone is a reminder and a threat.

Luo Yibei’s face was stiff after his words.

His eyes scorned, and his voice was colder than Lonki’s coldness. "You don't need to worry about it, she is gone."

"What are you talking about?" Lonci seemed to squat.

"Chi Xia is gone, as you wish!" Luo Yibei no expression repeated.

Lonchi seemed to be surprised, and he hadn’t returned to God for a long time.

"I will be back later." Luo Yibei did not mean much to talk about, he hung up the phone and turned to the table.

Next to the small milk bag, Ben was often seated by Fang Chi Xia. He signaled the maid to send dinner and used the small milk bag together to make a meal.

In fact, he often takes care of Xiao Yi. Now he has to deal with Xiao Yi, and he is very handy.

However, Xiao Yi eats the food he cuts for himself, drinks the water he helped to pour, and feels that the taste is different from what Fang Chi Xia did for himself.

With a small hand holding a gang, he couldn't help but sigh.

“I prefer the care of summer and summer.”

He spoke very straightforwardly, and did not give Luo Yibei a face at all.

Luo Yibei was disgusted by his red/naked nakedness, and the upstairs was abandoned and continued downstairs.

Luo Yibei’s hand with a knife and fork was stiff, and the meal was a meal, and his eyes glanced at him coolly.

When the little milk bag didn't look like it, he hanged his head and used his own meal if he had nothing to do.

The left one, the right one, although he said that he was too abandoning Luo Yibei, but the movements on his hands are not the same.

Luo Yibei moved to the food in his plate, he all solved it all, and there was no residue left.

The four-year-old child is hungry and eats everything naturally.

What's more, he has to grow up and wait for the summer and summer!

Luo Yibei looked at him like this, and gently raised his hand to his head, and let the servant help him to have a small bowl of rice. "Good food, don't lie!"

"I want to eat seafood, summer and summer said that eating seafood can grow taller!"

"it is good."

"I still want to eat green vegetables."

"Okay, help you clip it."

"fruit juice!"


The taste of the small milk bag has always been a bit picky, although it will not say anything on the verbal, but if you don't like it in peacetime, he will secretly pick it out and put it aside.

But now, after Fang Chi Xia left, Luo Yibei felt that he suddenly grew up a lot.

He didn’t eat it, he now ate it all.

This way, he let Luo Yibei suddenly do not know whether it is a good thing or a bad thing.

"Baby, use your meal and go back home."

"Good." The little milk contained a paste and he should be heard.

Halfway through the meal, his eyes turned to him. "Which home?"

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