Luo Yibei dialect has said this, so brazen and Lonchi provocative, the attitude has been very clear.

Whether it is Lorge or Sutian, if he continues to struggle for the summer, Lonchi believes that he can say that he can definitely do it.

Luo Yibei did not pay much attention to his meaning, turned and returned to Xiaoyi.

"Would you like to stay here?" He crouched beside him and wiped a drop of tea from his mouth. He asked softly.

The little milk bag has never seen how gentle he is. Suddenly, he is actually not used to it.

However, when he thought of Fang Chi Xia, he was very cold and proud to twist his little head to the side, as if he had not heard him.

Luo Yibei was helpless, and he shook his hand back.

"Everyone has come back, so stay here for a few days!" Sha Zhixing is not allowed to be small and easy, indicating that Xiao Yi is beside him, taking advantage of his relatives' relatives and requests.

"I am my mommy's child. My grandfather doesn't welcome my mommy. I know I won't welcome me!" The little milk bag took a look at Lonchi and deliberately raised the voice very high.

"No..." Lorge was anxious and wanted to explain something. However, Xiao Yi was on the side of his head, and he looked away from his disgust.

His dislike was expressed very directly, and his eyes were very straightforward to see his prejudice against Lonki.

Lorch was a bit embarrassed, and if he didn't export, he held back.

The small milk bag stood up, one hand holding the sand weaving star, one hand holding the baby, childish and childish. "If the lady and the baby can't bear the baby, they can go to us together! My mommy is not here now, the house suddenly It’s getting so cold, everyone is just right.”

He completely ignored Lonchi, took the sand star and the baby, and took the two to go outside the Luo family.

The baby is gone, and Cheng Chengxi will definitely follow the past.

Luo Xixi was not on the side of Lonchi, and he followed.

The end result is that the people in the Luojia main house are almost finished, leaving only one Lonci.

Lorge was isolated by Xiao Yi.

In the words of Xiao Yi’s early lessons, he wanted to let him think about it.

Luo Yibei is Xiao Yi's father. However, he did not express any opinions on Xiao Yi's behavior of completely ignoring his elders, and he even pampered him.

He even helped the servants prepare the daily things for the Sha Zhixing couple and the Cheng Chengxi couple in the castle.

There are four more people to stay in, and the cold and clear castle is a lot of fun.

After Xiao Yi returned home, there was a small master who arranged a room for several people.

"This is a little aunt and Cheng Xi's land! It is very close to my room."

"This is Mrs. Weaver and the bustling, opposite my room."

“The three meals will be prepared by the people.”

He seems to be a little deliberately alienating Luo Yibei. After he came back, if he had nothing to do with the couple of Sha Zhixing and chat with the baby couple, he did not talk to Luo Yibei.

Luo Yibei stared at him like this, and he looked at it. Some helpless, but he said nothing.

Pulling the baby just passing by, his eyes fell on the face of Xiao Yi, who was very serious. "I live here during this time, Xiaoyi is handed over to you!"

"Brother, are you going to find Chi Xia?"

Luo Yibei’s gaze was empty in the corridor in front, and the sound of one night’s sleep didn’t fall into the hoarseness of the silk. “I owe her too much, and I owe it too much...”

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