Luo Yibei stared at Xiao Yi for a long time, Xiao Yi did not know if he did not notice his sight or deliberately ignored, has been in the video.

After the video was finished, he followed the back of Luo Xi, and was taken to teach by Luo Xizhen.

After Fang Chi Xia’s absence, he learned everything seriously, like he was eager to let himself grow up. What Luo Xi taught, what he learned, his talent is high, and he learns especially fast.

When Luo Yibei walked in, the little milk bag was practicing the words that Luo Xizhen taught him.

French, mère, mother's meaning.

He has only just begun to learn to write for a few months. The early handwriting is like a chicken paw print, twisted and twisted, especially cute.

But now, Luo Yibei has not seen him for a month, and the French is written with a special stroke. The writing cannot be done with a big man, but it is also very beautiful.

This is a small easy, let Luo Yibei once again feel that if the child is cultivated, it really has to go against the sky.

When he came to the two people, his eyes looked at the French words written by Xiao Yi.

"How do you think about practicing French?" He asked very casually.

"Xiao Yi came up." The answer is Luo Xiwei.

Luo Yibei glimpsed, "Why?"

"Because French is my mommy's strength! I have learned French well. Maybe it is not necessary to be in the French field and my mommy." Xiao Yi lightly lifted his chin and answered very proudly.

Luo Yibei was a glimpse, and his eyes were stagnant after his words.

Staring at his little face and looking at it for a while, stiffly raised his arm, his hand fell on his shoulder. "Mummy is looking for it, just study hard."

The small milk bag ignored him and continued to practice the words in one stroke.

Luo Yibei accompanied him for a while, then drove to the nearby night.

At night on a large island, the entire island, the night headquarters accounted for half of the area, and half of it has been empty.

However, more than four years ago, when Luo Yibei built a family of three castles, the island was also undergoing earth-shaking changes.

The island has been under construction and it took more than four years to spend huge manpower and financial resources. Now, on the island of the night, except for the night headquarters, there is also a magnificent city.

Surrounded by huge walls, the perimeter is surrounded by a majestic castle and a variety of villas, as well as a vast crescent-shaped artificial pool, an open empire.

The empire was built according to the painting painted on the plane earlier in the square pool summer, and he gave it to her.

When Luo Yibei arrived, the whole city had already been dealt with.

In the recent month, the expedited handling was good, and the decoration was connected with the construction. It cost tens of thousands of people and hundreds of millions of funds.

The maids in the wall have been moving around, but they have no one to live in, only a few cats.

Fang Chi Xia’s money and the group, as well as one in the Y country earlier.

The three cats piled up together and enjoyed the life of the maids every day. They were able to kick the ball when they were fat, and lazy to bathe in the moonlight before the pool.

As soon as he saw his appearance, a few cats jumped to him in front of him.

A lot of money is very close to his arms, and his head is always looking behind him, like looking for someone's shadow.

Luo Yibei knows who it is looking for.

Lightly carrying his face, his eyes swept across the huge city in front of him at an extremely slow speed, thinking of the name, his eyes lost his heart.

He had promised her a city.

However, now, I have built a city for you, but turned around without your shadow...

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