The Overbearing Chief Husband’s Favorite: Baby

Chapter 1860: You are infringing my privacy

"No." Xiao Yi faintly returned to him.

"Mummy hasn't contacted you?" Luo Yibei snorted and looked at his eyes quietly.

He is reading the credibility of Xiao Yi.

Xiao Yi is the life root of Fang Chi Xia. Now, she has been away for a month, and she will not contact Xiao Yi at all.

Luo Yibei thinks that there is basically no credibility in the case of a small milk bag.

"Yeah, Mommy has been away for so long, and I don't contact me! I don't know how much I think about her?" The little milk bag squatted on the table, holding the shackles in his hands and squinting.

“Really?” Luo Yibei still felt that his words were not credible.

The expression on Xiao Yi's face was slightly stiff after his words.

His eyes turned to him, staring at his face quietly for a moment, his face stunned. "I also hope that Mommy can contact me, but summer and summer really do not!"

Luo Yibei was blocked by him.

The small milk bag turned over the head and continued to practice his own words on the table.

Luo Yibei was stunned by his words. After his words, he was silent for a while. He had no choice but to leave the room. When he saw the mobile phone that was not far away, he looked down. When he walked out of the house, if nothing happened. By the way, his mobile phone was taken out.

Unlock, open the communication record, click on the fingertips on the phone screen, Luo Yibei turned his call records all over.

The last time the small milk bag was in a conversation with Fang Chi Xia was the day that Fang Chi Xia left.

The length of the call, 180 minutes, three hours.

Two people should have been talking for a long time, and Fang Chixia should explain it clearly.

As for the middle of the month, the two did not pass the phone once.

On Xiaoyi’s mobile phone, there are even no strangers.

There are no records for SMS.

It was discovered by Xiao Yi that Luo Yibei felt that it was not possible.

Xiao Yi is so eager to have a family of three together, Luo Yibei thinks that he can't do this kind of thing.

It seems that this month, Fang Chi Xia and Xiao Yi, really did not contact.

Such a woman, let Luo Yibei chilled a bit.

Even the most dear flesh and blood are not connected, how much is she walking?

Dudu, the ringtone of the phone rings at this time.

Lonci called.

He recently called Xiaoyi, and he said nothing more than let Xiaoyi go back to live.

Xiao Yi is a child with a special love. When everyone is in the pool, Xia is good, who is not good to her, he is all remembered.

He was still worried about Lonchi, and Lonki invited him several times, and Xiao Yi ignored it at once.

Dudu toot, the phone ringing is still ringing.

The small milk bag came out of the room and stared at his mobile phone in his hand. He looked at him with disdain. "North and North, are you invading my privacy?"

Luo Yibei was stunned by his words and gave him a blank eye.

Is he still private?

The small milk bag picked up his toes, rubbed his hand, pressed his hand down, and took the phone. He turned to the side and answered the phone. "Is there something?"

Very simple two words, even the tone of speech and Luo Yibei a tone.

Lorne was silent for a while, and the opening was a bit difficult. "Xiao Yi, I am too grandfather."

"What's the matter with Grandpa?" The tone of the small milk bag is still very cold.

"There was a big banquet at home today. Grandpa is welcome to return to Luojia. You will come with them at night!" Lorge tempted.

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