The Overbearing Chief Husband’s Favorite: Baby

Chapter 1869: Lessons for her (1)

Looking at the big palace in an inch and an inch, he is capturing a figure.

Looking at a group of servants dressed in neat maids, he walked slowly to one of them, just ready to ask, upstairs, a raging figure suddenly ran down.

"Grandma, where is my necklace going? If this is an important occasion, I can't find it. What should I do? What should I do?"

Very flustered, walking in a place like the palace, slamming, down the road, but also several times with several servants.

Luo Yibei line of sight looked at the source of the sound, glimpsed the figure that just stepped into the lobby, the lips were cold and ticked.

"Grandmother--" Su Rui did not seem to notice him here. He rushed to the Sofia King Taiji and was about to ask. He saw the little Yi Shi next to him and suddenly stopped. "Hey, is this?"

"The son of Yibei!" Sophia reminded.

Su Rui first stunned, staring at the face of the small milk bag, the expression on his face was collected on the spot.

The son of Yibei?

The children are so big...

The small milk bag is a very intelligent child, quietly observing her reaction, suddenly understood.

When I heard that he was a child of Luo Yibei, his expression was stupid. From his experience, Bacheng was a secret North and North.

The small milk bag was very contemptuous of Su Rui, and she coughed softly. If nothing happened, she greeted her. "Good evening, I am Xiao Yi!"

Very elegant and elegant greetings, only four years old, have been able to cope with everything.

Su Rui hates any woman who is infected with Luo Yibei. The children born to other women are naturally disgusted.

I didn't look at Xiaoyi. She turned her back and wanted to continue looking for a necklace. She saw Luoyi North not far away. Her eyes brightened. "Easy, you are here too!"

Luo Yibei squatted slightly, his face was kept at forty-five degrees, his eyes slanted to her, and her eyes were different from the usual cold.

This kind of him, let Su Rui jumped in his heart.

Why are you looking at her like this?

"Easy, how long have you been here?" Su Rui stalked to him, squeezing at him, trying to climb his arms, his hands still not touched, Luo Yibei was cold to her. The hands were swept away, and the cold eyes were too cold, and it was scared that Suri was almost reflexive and shrank his hand back.

"How, what happened?"

"We, there is something that has not been sorted out." Luo Yibei faintly gave her a word, walked in front of the garden.

Su Rui didn't know what he was referring to. He stopped thinking about it in the same place. Thinking about Fang Chi Xia, she jumped in her heart.

However, if Fang Chi Xia said this to Luo Yibei, she felt that Luo Yibei should not be calm.

Su Rui was not sure what Luo Yibei was looking for for himself. He hesitated, or walked out of the hall with his legs behind him.

The two walked in the garden in tandem, and Suri walked quietly and stared at Luo Yibei in front.

Luo Yibei's back is very cold, like a layer of frost, and the surrounding is cold.

Su Rui couldn't guess what he was looking for, and behind him, his heart was always jumping.

Looking up and looking at the direction in which the two men were walking, looking at the darkening environment, her chest jumped and jumped, and she noticed something was wrong. The footsteps stopped. "How come you think about coming here?"

Luo Yi's north back slowly turned toward her body, her eyes swept to her face at an extremely slow speed.

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