The Overbearing Chief Husband’s Favorite: Baby

Chapter 1873: Duchess of Chris (1)

Luo Yibei didn't sleep very much all night, staying at the hotel. On the second day, he made people focus on the investigation of Fang Chi Xia in the R country.

I started with Fasino.

Last night, the two were met in the R King's Palace. In this place, it is not difficult to guess that Fang Chixia appeared in the palace last night and couldn't get away with Fasino!

Her whereabouts, Fasno must know!

The place where Fisno lived was the Duke of Chris, the most prominent family in R, and the various social occasions in R, and he was not rarely seen.

It is not easy to investigate Fang Chi Xia, but it is not difficult to investigate him.

Luo Yibei stayed at the hotel for one day. On the second night, the people who took him sent a schedule of Fesno.

Luo Yibei was lazy in the chair, looked at it with a schedule, and his lips were cold and cold.

The first item on the itinerary is the birthday banquet of a prince of the R country. Tonight, Fesno is the first duke of the R country. On such occasions, he will definitely attend.

"North-North, are we going?" The small milk bag squatted on the table and stared at the arrangement table, he asked.

The words he now knows are much more advanced than the original ones. Unlike the earlier ones, they only know fried chicken, chicken wings and the like.

Luo Xi and Luo Yibei and his father taught him for such a long time. He now recognizes and writes the words involved in simple everyday language.

"Of course!" Luo Yibei folded the information to the side, and the color was deep.

"Then I am going to prepare!" The small milk bag was shrunk from the chair and was very active to prepare clothes for herself.

Opened his child's suitcase, he flipped inside and turned over, and finally found a tuxedo that was close to the style last night.

He wears black and white with a special look, exquisite, beautiful and not like words, but the eyebrows are still a bit of British, cool and handsome.

Luo Yibei’s gaze looked in his direction, staring at his face when he was dressed, and accidentally left.

Xiao Yi now has baby fat on his face. If he waits until the baby is fat, he should be exactly the same as he was when he was a child.

This is a very subtle mood. I never knew that I had children. However, one day, I suddenly had a four-year-old son who was as long as myself.

Luo Yibei looked at Xiao Yi’s face and his heart was warm.

"I am alright!" The small milk bag pulled down his shirt and gave him a smile.

"First go to the meeting mall to prepare gifts." Luo Yibei stood up and took his hand to go outside the hotel.

It was still early this time, going to the Prince’s House, he just had time to choose a gift.

Driving a small easy to leave the hotel, strolling around the mall, his last choice is a small diamond cup.

Goblet, collection of art, pure diamonds, worth a lot.

The small milk bag followed him from the beginning to the end, holding him in his hand, while walking and thinking about what to eat later.

"North-North, are we going to eat fried chicken?"

Luo Yi’s north corner was pumping. “Fried chicken is not nutritious.”

"But many children like it."

"That is the children who are ignorant."

"Are you bragging me smart?"

"Taste you differently."

"Yeah, I am quite different." The small milk bag is not blushing, and I am very happy to nod, but then I will float again. "Don't eat, let's change the fish and chips."

Luo Yibei, "..."

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