When Fasino went downstairs, Fang Chi Xia sat on a large dining table with a large number of plates in front of him, and one person ate with relish.

Such a woman, let Fasno frown.

After a few steps, he sat down in front of her and stared at the plate that was swept by her next three plates. "When is the food so big?"

"Isn't it not used for dinner?" Fang Chi Xiabian used a meal and gave him a voice.

"Not a reason for the mood?" Fasino helped her to pour a drink and handed it to her.

Fang Chixia’s hand with a knife and fork paused, and then he used the meal if he had nothing to do. “I’m in a good mood tonight, I haven’t seen Xiaoyi in a month!”

Fasno looked back from her face and said nothing.

"Xiao Yi is very cute, very cute and very beautiful, right?" Fang Chi Xia overtook his head and chatted with him.

"Yeah." Fasino fainted her.

Fang Chi Xia followed his words and said, "Like me, it’s no wonder that it’s pretty."

Fasino was stunned by her, and she looked at her strangely.

To be honest, the face of the small milk bag, he did not feel like a square pool summer.

When Fang Chi Xia didn't see his gaze, he continued to use the meal.

A person has solved all the food in the dining table, and when he went upstairs, he has already supported it.

Back to the upstairs room, 10:30, Fang Chixia's recent schedule.

The two entered the house one after the other, and Fang Chi was finished in the summer, and when he came out to go to the bed, he glanced at the face of Fasino in the room.

"I should go back to the house too." Fasno understood what she meant, turned and walked outside the room.

His pace was very flat, but he did not make any stay.

Fang Chi Xiamu sent his figure to leave, followed him to the front of the door, watching him enter the room next door, she backed the door, the back door locked the door.

Two people have been sleeping like this for the past month.

Fesno didn't think it had much to do with it, but the servants of Chris Castle couldn't stand it.

Several servants even gave him advice, and he was accidentally heard by Fang Chixia, but Fasino did not seem to be taking it seriously.

Now he seems to have changed a lot, knowing that Fang Chixia and Luo Yibei got married.

His character and Luo Yibei actually have no essential difference, and they are all straightforward.

If you put it in a place before, Fang Chi Xia can't guarantee whether he can retreat.

However, Fasino is good, he has his own principles of doing things, and will not easily break.

With his thoughts open, Fang Chixia turned and got into the bed.

Just got into bed, the small milk bag hit a phone call.

He seems to be hiding in the bathroom, the surrounding is surprisingly quiet, and even echoes.

"Mummy, have you been home yet?"

"It’s early, why haven’t you slept yet?”

"I miss you!" The little milk bag smiled back to her.

Fang Chi Xia, "..."

The small milk bag presses the low volume, and the smile is floating again. "Mummy, are you coming out to date with me tomorrow? It doesn't matter if you don't want to see North and North, let's carry North and North."


Fang Chixia was a little drunk on his wording.

"You are too short."

"But I like people who are taller."

Fang Chi Xia was stunned by him, but although he was narcissistic, it was true.

"Where do you want to be?"

"Time, you decide, I will find an excuse."

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