The little milk bag didn't notice his look, and he still ate with his head down.

Thinking of going to see Fang Chi Xia, his appetite is much better.

It’s a little more than the end of the meal.

The time between him and Fang Chi Xia is two points, and there is nearly an hour.

Go back to the hotel, wait for Luo Yibei to leave and then go to the meeting again, almost an hour.

Luo Yibei took him back to the hotel room after using the meal.

"Hey, you are busy, don't worry about me!" Didn't even let him into the room, the small milk bag stood at the door and waved at him.

Luo Yibei did not trust, arranged several bodyguards to accompany him.

When he left, he said, "I have something to call me."

"Good." The small milk bag promised to be very refreshing.

Luo Yi turned his back and went straight to the elevator.

He seemed to be leaving, and the small milk bag clearly heard the sound of the elevator sliding.

Standing at the door for a few minutes, it is estimated that the car in Luoyibei should have gone far away. He looked up and looked at the two bodyguards around him. He walked in front of the cold and proudly. "I will go out later, you can accompany you. But don't get me wrong!"

He is very aggressive in speaking and doing things, even though he is just four years old.

A few bodyguards followed behind, brushed the appendage, "Yes, young master!"

Xiao Yi took the bodyguard downstairs, got on the bus, sat in the back seat, handed his child's mobile phone to the driver, and began to direct the driver to drive.

"Uncle, send me to this restaurant!"

In the mobile phone, there is a text message sent by Fang Chixia to him, and the detailed address where the two meet.

The driver didn't know what he was going to do, but he didn't dare to go against it. He could only drive away from the hotel as he ordered.

The figure of the car just disappeared in the hotel door, not far behind, and a car slowly opened.

Luo Yibei sat in the car, staring at the car that was drifting away from the front, the twilight slowly sinking, and the car slowly followed.

Xiao Yi’s car was in front, the driver’s speed was not fast, but he was always urged by him. “Come on, uncle, hurry up!”

The driver is helpless, and the journey behind him has been arrogant.

Luo Yibei’s car was not slow to keep up, afraid of being small and easy to detect, not too close.

The car in front of it was always in the field of vision, but then I didn’t know what was happening in the car, and suddenly increased the speed of the car on the road again.

The speed was very fast, and I also turned several turns.

Luo Yibei was originally separated from the car in front by a certain distance. When he turned around, he was lost!

Luo Yibei has no choice but to drive around and look around.

When the small milk bag arrived and the place agreed by Fang Chi Xia, it was just two o'clock.

The two were outside a restaurant, but Fang Chixia did not wait outside the restaurant, but in the car.

The little milk bag didn't understand her intention at first, only when she was welcoming herself, pushing the car door and getting off the car. The little figure flew and rushed toward her.


Fang Chi Xia opened his arms and grabbed his body, and hugged him, "Baby!"

The little milk bag hugged her legs and smiled at her with a small face. "You are so early, do you miss me very much!"

Fang Chi Xia has long been accustomed to his narcissism, did not deny, but admitted with his words, "Yes, miss you, get on the bus!"

"Why do you want to get on the bus? The car is usually a place where people have a quiet time. Let's go to the restaurant when we meet!" The small milk bag is very puzzled for her purpose.

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