The Overbearing Chief Husband’s Favorite: Baby

Chapter 1905: In his strategy (4)

The small milk bag slightly bent over the corner of the lips, just smiled at her, did not continue to ask.

Fang Chixia drove to the hotel where the two stayed.

After arriving, Xiao Yi first got off the bus.

After going down, he actively walked in front to take the road for the two behind.

Fang Chi Xia Luo Luo Yibei is a little difficult, especially if he is completely weak.

Together with the hotel's waiter, he finally helped him to the door of the room, and all the way to the house, she almost fell several times.

Xiao Yi was very clever in sitting at the beginning and stared at Luo Yibei at first. However, after thinking about it, I suddenly felt that it was not appropriate to sit here.

If the two of them make a point that is not suitable for children, he is awkward here.

Fang Chixia’s phone call on the balcony on the balcony seemed to be a drink for waking up the wine. On the sofa, the baby’s eyes were staring at Luo Yibei on the bed for a while. He opened the door and took Luo Yibei. The documents went out alone.

"Uncle, please help me book another room, next door to this gentleman!"

Going to the service desk, he handed the documents in his hand to the front desk.

Only four-year-old children are tall and have no desk at the front desk.

However, the autonomy is super strong.

"Okay, okay." The front desk stared at him with amazement, took the card in his hand, and helped him through the formalities.

Fang Chixia also called in the room.

There was a lot of explanation with the front desk. When the phone was ready to enter the room, the lights in the room next door lit up.

The small milk bag was checked in, and I walked out of the balcony with my little hand. I looked in her direction and smiled and said hello to her. "Hey, Mommy!"

Fang Chixia was shocked to see him at the other end of the room, his face was stagnant, "How come next door?"

"I have booked a room! I like this room very much. I have come tonight. You want to know what to do." The arm of the small milk bag is supported on the guardrail and smiled.

When it comes to the latter sentence, the corner of the corner of the mouth is bent more deeply.

Fang Chixia felt that his behavior was completely unnecessary.

"Mummy may leave soon."

"But, I haven't woken up yet! If I am asleep, what should I do if I am asleep?" The small milk bag is self-analyzed.

I glanced at her and added another sentence, "I am still so small, you have the heart to let me deal with that scene alone."

He said that he was helpless and directly sympathized with Fang Chixia.

Although the words are exaggerated, but it is so reasonable.

Fang Chi Xia is very clear about his ability. She actually knows that even if she doesn't come, Xiao Yi definitely wants to get the way to take care of Luo Yibei.

However, after receiving a phone call from Xiao Yi, listening to the anxious voice on his phone, she could not bear it.

She doesn't care much about Luo Yibei. She only cares about Xiao Yi. She doesn't want a four-year-old child to take responsibility for caring for adults.

Fang Chi Xia made a discretion and decided to leave before Lok Wah North wakes up tomorrow morning.

The small milk bag kept her reaction, knowing that she was being moved by herself, and her lips were thinner.

"Then I will go to rest first, Mommy will have a rest early, good night!" The little milk bag waved at her and smiled and turned to the room.

Fang Chixia stared at Luo Yibei on the bed and took a look. The backhand took the door to the balcony and walked toward him with no expression.

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