Fang Chixia knew that he was talking to himself, but he did not expose it.

"When are you going back?" Helped him sort out the loose shoulders of the loose, she asked.

Xiao Yi Wei Wei, staring at Luo Yibei, looked at it.

Luo Yibei did not speak, just gave him a wink.

Xiao easy to understand what he meant, smiled and turned his face to Fang Chi Xia. "Mummy, we are coming today, really have to leave so early?"

"We can go to other places to play, and many islands can go out to sea. It doesn't have to be here, don't you want to be wild?"

"But, Sicily is different. Sicily also has Uncle Muchen and Sister Xixi! Isn't it more fun?" The small milk bag corrected.

He said that he did not want to leave.

Fang Chi Xia has always been very indulgent. He has asked for it. Even if Fang Chixia doesn't want to stay here for another second, she will be left for Xiao Yi.

After hesitating, she finally agreed. "Okay, then stay."

Xiaoyi is satisfied with this, and the lips are bent and curled up. "The mommy and the aunt are also living here tonight. Uncle Muchen has already made people prepare the room in advance."

"Good." Fang Chixia kissed his cheek and took him to the upstairs room.

This is a very new castle and all the furniture is brand new.

Like a property that was recently acquired.

Qing Muchen and Xixi seem to have stayed here for several months, and Fangchi Xiabian looked up at the villa's furnishings.

Her mind was particularly keen, and she suddenly thought about whether this place was purchased by two people as a home.

Aware of this problem, she slightly tilted her lips.

Perhaps, there is a happy event late at night.

The castle of Qing Muchen, Fang Chixia accidentally discovered that even the children's room is ready!

What shocked her even more was that she even prepared four rooms!

Is this a few children after preparation?

She was very surprised and she was speechless after going upstairs.

The room that Optimus Chen arranged for Xiao Yi is one of the children's rooms.

Prepared for your child, but at present, your child has not enjoyed it, but it is easy to enjoy.

Very luxurious room, the whole room is full of all kinds of toys.

Although Xiao Yi is sometimes more mature than other children, he is essentially a four-year-old boy who loves to play and loves to make trouble.

Seeing so many toys, he went in and went to Fang Chi Xia to play crazy.

Everything is picked up and touched, and everything has to be played once.

Fang Chixia stayed with him in the room, helped him to take a shower, and it was already 11 o'clock when he fell asleep with him.

Today she is also a little tired, accompanied by Xiao Yi tired.

Taking advantage of Xiao Yi, she slept very deeply.

However, at around 12 o'clock in the evening, something happened to her.

Luo Yibei had no face and no skin and broke into her room. At first, she just wanted to sleep in this room. Fang Chixia reflexively refused him several times. It was probably that his violent side was irritated and hard. Chi Xia and Xiao Yi are separated, and they are swaying from the side of the pool to the outside of the room.

"Luo Yibei, what are you doing?" Fang Chixia resisted in his arms, pushed him and beat him, but he was afraid of awakening Xiaoyi, and he did not dare to make too much noise.

"The rings are all put on, the husband and wife are in the same room, of course, isn't it?" Luo Yi's north face expressionlessly asked her, and the tip of the toe brought Xiao Yi's door.

"Who is a husband and wife!" Fang Chi Xia whispered.

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