The room was quiet, and after a while she seemed to be asleep.

However, if you don't sleep well, the breathing sounds clear and shallow, as if you are a little bit moving, you can wake up.

Luo Yibei lay in her side, her eyes were empty on the ceiling above the head, and her ears were all rumbling.

He hasn't recovered from her words for a long time, as if he is still in the midst of extreme shock.

The more you think, the more you wake up.

The more you think, the more painful your head is.

Luo Yibei finally, insomnia overnight.

I slept for an hour or two the next morning. When I woke up, Fang Chi Xia was no longer there.

Luo Yibei was reflexive thinking that she might have left Sicily alone.

Luo Yibei sighed and turned to go to the beach.

Fang Chi Xia, Xiao Yi is going with Xixi and Qing Muchen.

Xiao Yi learned to open a cruise ship with Luo Yibei, and Qing Muchen was also teaching him.

It is obvious that the child is only four years old. Luo Yibei and Qing Muchen are not worried that his IQ can't be understood. The education mode of both is to develop the child in the direction of the sky.

Xiao Yiwo was in the arms of Qing Muchen. After riding the cruise ship, he laughed and laughed loudly.

"It's fun! It's so fun!"

"Uncle Chen, you will come to Sicily in the future, remember to call me!"

"Uncle Uncle, you and I are as handsome as a cruise ship, just as arrogant!"

"Uncle Chen, I want to go to the opposite side of the island."

The small bag has a lot of words today, and his voice can be heard on the entire cruise ship.

Luo Yibei knew that a group of people had been waiting on the shore after being at the beach.

He had thought that Qing Muchen would open a cruise ship to go back and forth, but did not expect to wait for the whole day!

As requested by Xiao Yi, Qing Muchen opened the cruise ship and surrounded the island around him for a whole day.

It’s almost nine o'clock when I return to the shore.

Qing Muchen and Xixi took Xiaoyi to the back. They and Xiaoyi hadn't seen each other for a long time. They didn't know what to talk while walking and laughing.

Fang Chi Xia walked to the front of the person, walked to the street on the shore, and wanted to go directly to the castle of Qing Muchen, and saw Luo Yibei not far away, she stunned.

Luo Yibei is standing here for a long time, his hair is blown by the sea breeze, and his eyes are dark and deep, and his face is dark and dark.

There are a lot of plumeria trees near him, and the petals on the trees fall to the ground.

He has a very good smell of plumeria, and even a bit rich.

If you don't stand here for too long, the floral inhalation will not be so strong.

He was not a few meters away from her, just staring at her.

Fang Chi Xia did not understand what happened.

"Have been here for a long time? Have you used the meal?" Behind him, the voice of Qing Muchen sounded.

"No." Luo Yibei faintly returned to him.

"It’s nine o'clock!" Qing Muchen looked up the watch and said, "Is it here today?"

"Yeah." Still a faint voice, the words are answering Qing Muchen, but the eyes still look at Fang Chi Xia.

Qing Muchen did not expect the truth to be like this. He looked at him with a mistake and a look of chin.

Luo Yibei's words only let him float a word in his head - silly!

"Can't you call me?"

"I want to let Xiao Yi play more!" Luo Yibei answered easily.

Qing Muchen’s eyes are pumping.


For the son, occasionally committing a day of stupidity, he can understand.

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