The Overbearing Chief Husband’s Favorite: Baby

Chapter 1954: The body has not forgotten

Then, spit out a sentence, "The mistake is that people will commit crimes. Since they are tired of being separated from each other, why not give them the opportunity to make up for it?"

Fang Chi Xia side slowly turned his face, looked up, his eyes and his face, she faintly corrected, "Mr. Luo is a little wrong, I really did not fall asleep last night, but not because of holding the past Unable to let go, it’s just because it’s too hot.”

When she paused, she added another sentence. "And, for more than a month after leaving Luojia, I have had a very easy time, not as tired as Mr. Luo said!"

Her tone is not heavy, very light and very light, the wind is blowing gently, it doesn't hurt.

Luo Yibei quietly read her eyes, and the scorpion whispered, "Is it?"

"You know that I don't love lying!"

Luo Yibei swiftly swept over her face, glaring at the wrist of her wrist, and the strength of the cold suddenly increased.

"Luo Yibei, what are you doing?" Fang Chi Xia was sorely snorted and raised his arm to beat him. Luo Yibei took advantage of her wrists and dragged her to hold her.

Fang Chi Xia looked at the two people's posture, annoyed to push him away, Luo Yibei but her waist is not willing to release her.

One inch and one inch of the line swept across her face, and he pressed her head and leaned in her direction.

Her eyes stared deeply at her, his lips pressed against her lips, and her hand touched her face, and her fingertips smacked her skin behind her lips.

What he picked was her sensitivity/feeling point, and Fang Chi was almost red immediately after Xia Er.

The body trembled slightly with his movements.

Luo Yibei quietly observed her reaction, the position of the hand slowly moved down, gently crossed over her long neck, and finally stayed in the center of her chest.

Fang Chi Xia’s body trembled even more in his arms, from the side to the neck, even the chest, completely red.

"You are still the same as before." Ears, Luo Yibei's lazy tone, suddenly sounded, "the same sensitivity, feeling!"

Fang Chi Xia’s body was stiff and his face slowly lifted. “What about that?”

"Miss Fang’s body showed up, but she said more honestly! The body has not forgotten the feeling given by one person, how can the heart be forgotten?" His eyes turned to her face, he was cold and cold. Ironically, "I can't forget to divide, Fang Chi Xia, are you not tired?"

His words are simple and rude and direct.

Fang Chi Xia was changed by his angry face for a while, and he took a deep breath and walked in front of him to the direction of the castle.

Her footsteps hurried, and even licked several times.

She seemed to be irritated by his words and never turned around from beginning to end.

Apologize no apology, make up for it without making up!

He just decided that she couldn't forget him, so she trampled on her so unscrupulously?

Luo Yibei is somewhat annoyed.

Watching her figure leave, one foot "啪" squatted on a tree next to it.

He did not expect that the situation would develop into the present.

He is really ready to make up with his mother and son here!

Some irritatedly stood in the same place for a while, and when I went back, Fang Chixia actually had no shadow.

"Mummy didn't come back?" Luo Yibei stepped into the lobby and stared at Xiao Yi, who was playing in the room and screaming at Mu Muchen.

"No, isn't it with you?" Xiao Yi turned his head back to him.

Luo Yibei, "..."

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