The small milk bag seems to be noisy, the body flips over, and I don’t know what to say, like I am going to wake up.

Fang Chi Xia stared at him and glanced at him. The hand that stretched out was so stiff, and he squatted for a while and curled back.

Abandoning the move to push Luo Yibei away, she was afraid that the bed could not withstand the weight of the three people, and did not struggle with him.

Turning around and holding Xiao Yi on the side, she placed the small milk bag in the position of the two.

The small milk bag seems to have slept again and slept very hard.

I don’t know what I dreamt in my dreams. There are still a few drops of saliva in my mouth.

Luo Yibei was very disgusted with him, but he did not push him away.

My own son, I hurt myself.

Although Luo Yibei really didn't think how cute the sleeping bag of the small milk bag was, when he stared at Xiao Yi, he couldn't help but smack his lips.

Fang Chixia watched his face quietly next to him, watching her lips soft and soft enough to soften the spring breeze, she said nothing.

Xiao Yi doesn't know if he feels squeezed or is hot.

After lying down with two people, the small hand will pull down the children's pajamas from time to time, and the body will flip over and flip over.

There is no peace in the arms of Luo Yibei.

Luo Yibei especially disliked his instigation, and he was accompanied by Fang Chi Xia.

The brow wrinkled, and the corner of his lips solidified a few minutes.

Xiao Yi is not even knowing who is lying next to him. Of course, he will not know what he is doing now.

In the cool eyes of Luo Yibei, he also made a movement that made Luo Yibei speechless.

He probably didn't want to cover the quilt, and the small short leg was kicked several times with his thin quilt. He didn't kick it, and then kicked directly around Luo Yibei.

The small meat legs full of baby fat squatted on Luo Yibei, and even licked him several times, no pain, but the strength can not be ignored.

He even stretched out his arm and scratched his body in Luo Yibei.

Luo Yibei’s face is slightly distorted.

Fang Chi Xia just stared at the two people next to him, and did not want to help.

She is a gesture of standing by.

Luo Yibei has always been simple and rude. If Xiao Yi dared to make such a trip when his father and son were sleeping alone, Luo Yibei directly smashed him to the bed or thrown on the carpet.

However, there is Fang Chi Xia, and she is still staring at her eyes. Luo Yibei is more convergent.

The small short legs of the small milk bag were still kicked on him, kicked several times, did not kick, probably uncomfortable, and turned over and climbed onto him.

He is not the first time he has been in Luo Yibei.

This kind of thing happened when the two met for the first time.

The small meatball-like body is pressed against Luo Yibei's body, not much weight, soft, cotton candy-like soft, and even with the aroma of fruit.

Luo Yibei’s heart was warmed by him, and he didn’t really hate it.

However, Xiao Yi is a son! It is a man!

So daddy, let go of it, a little more awkward?

When he thought about it, Luo Yibei picked up Xiaoyi and put him back to where he was lying.

The other side of Fang Chi Xia.

Helping him to be horned, he naturally took over Fang Chi Xia again.

He told her that she was very tight and that both of them were close to each other.

Fang Chi Xia Gu Ji to Xiao Yi, did not resist.

Luo Yibei coveted her and glanced at her lips.

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