The Overbearing Chief Husband’s Favorite: Baby

Chapter 1974: Kidnapping the auditorium (8)

This way, he made Luo Yibei feel very distressed.

He held him very tightly with his arms, and Luo Yibei patted his back and appease again and again. "I don't blame you for it. If you do anything in the future, you can help me!"

"I don't want to bother you... cough..." The small milk bag coughed again sharply.

When he coughs, the little face is white and white.

"At any time, protect yourself, otherwise you will feel very distressed!" Luo Yibei once again comforted, staring at his face and looked.

He speculated that Xiao Yi should drink more water from the shower gel, nausea, lifted the watch and looked at the time, and picked him up and went outside the hotel.

"Send you to the hospital to see!"

His footsteps were fast, and he rushed out of the way to hold Xiaoyi tightly, pressing his head tightly in his arms, and his heart was in a mess.

The small milk bag has been coughing on the road, and I made a vomiting action several times after getting on the bus.

Luo Yibei was carrying the whole heart, thinking that if he had stepped in one step late, the possible consequences, his cold sweat on his back was smashed out.

It seems that he has always ignored the age of Xiaoyi.

Xiao Yi is a very high IQ, and he usually has something to do with it. However, the child is always a child, so big, and the room can create danger for himself!

"Baby, telling you, is it hard to accept?" Xiaoyi, who stared at his side, looked at him and asked him.

The small milk bag shook his head at him, but he still coughed.

Luo Yibei was disturbed by his coughing voice.

The throttle under his feet slammed, his speed accelerated, and the car ran wildly on the road.

After arriving at the hospital, he sent Xiao Yi to check.

Luo Yibei waited outside, walked over with irritability and walked over.

The cough of the small milk bag is still coming out of the room, very weak, completely without the usual vitality.

Luo Yibei’s heart was kept squatting by his coughing sound. He walked back and forth several times in the corridor and stared at the screen of the mobile phone. He hesitated, and a phone call to Fang Chixia.

The phone rang for a long time and no one answered at the beginning.

Luo Yibei did not repeat the call, directly to her words, "Xiao Yi has a small accident, and now in the hospital check, the child may be scared, XX hospital."

The phone is very quiet, there is no sound after the message.

Luo Yibei did not continue to pay attention, but entered the room to accompany Xiao Yi.

He has never been a gentle person. The usual mode of getting along with Xiao Yi is also the mutual loss between the father and the son.

The son is not a daughter. He has never been arrogant.

However, tonight, he is extraordinarily gentle.

He is beside Xiao Yi, his hand has been stroking his back, and once and for all, from time to time, he will softly comfort. "Nothing, nothing, soon will be fine, hehe!"

Ten minutes after the room, a rush of footsteps sounded.

The sound of the fire, the pace is very fast, still very chaotic, flustered.

When I came outside the ward, my eyes swept over the face of Xiao Yi, who was sitting on the chair. The people outside the room ran in a few steps. "Xiao Yi!"

The small milk bag turned over and looked at the person who suddenly appeared here. There was no **** face, and a big smile appeared. "Mummy!"

"Baby, what's wrong?" Fang Chixia came to him a few steps, kneeling in front of him, and smashed him into his arms.

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