The Overbearing Chief Husband’s Favorite: Baby

Chapter 1977: Kidnapping the auditorium (11)

"Well, Mommy will accompany you." Fang Chixia tightened him.

The small milk bag was satisfied, and she continued to chat with her in her arms.

Luo Yibei sat in front of the whole car and drove the car into the hotel's door. The key was handed over to the waiter outside the door. He walked straight ahead and went straight to the hotel.

Fang Chi Xia holds Xiao Yi behind him. The mother and son are very close, and they have been licking each other's faces.

Fang Chixia’s face was pressed against the small and soft bun face, and he was reluctant to remove his face.

Warm, like marshmallow, this child is a treasure that she buried deep in her chest.

This time is already very late. After Fang Chi Xia took Xiao Yi back to the house, let the waiter send the water to the doctor to let him drink.

After helping him wash his face and bathing again, Fang Chixia took himself to Xiaoyi and took him to sleep.

Xiao Yi is probably tired today, falling asleep quickly, pulling an arm of Fang Chi Xia, holding her face in her hand, and sleeping very cute.

Fang Chixia sat on the bed and stared at him quietly, his eyes stunned and he didn't know the pain.

She didn't mention anything tonight, so she stayed with Xiao Yi and didn't lie down to sleep.

Luo Yibei sat on the sofa not far away, staring at her side face and looking at it, the cold voice, cold and not sounding, "News I saw."

Fang Chi Xia Xiao Xiaoyi’s hand was paused and he said nothing.

"Is it serious?" Luo Yibei looked at her with a sigh of relief and asked sharply.

Fang Chi Xia's lips moved, seemingly want to say something, but when she thought of his original silence, she could hold back anything.

She was involved in the sheet, and she continued to help Xiao Yi to get a horn.

After she entered the house, her eyes had been falling on the face of the small milk bag, as if she could only see him in the eyes, and the sight was not drifting in the direction of Luoyibei.

"Don't force me to do crazy things!" Behind him, Luo Yibei's voice rang again.

Compared with the previous indifference, this time a little more strong and overbearing.

Fang Chixia just stared at Xiao Yi and looked at it, ignoring his words.

Dudu, the ringtone of the phone rings at this time.


Fang Chi Xia wants to pick up, the hand has not touched the phone, but Luo Yibei took the lead and took the call.

"She is here, I won't be back tonight!" Instead of pressing the answer button, he hangs up in one sentence.

"Louis North, why do you pick up my phone? You call it a violation of the privacy of others!" Fang Chixia was slightly annoyed by his behavior.

"I thought you didn't bring your ears tonight!" Luo Yibei sneered at her silence.

Fang Chixia didn't want to argue with him. He turned and continued to accompany Xiao Yi.

She sat at the bed with the milk bag for a long time, accompanied by sleepy, did not go to bed, but stumbled on the bed and slept for a while.

Xiao Yi drank a lot of water before going to bed to dilute the stomach, a little toss tonight.

Fang Chi Xia only fell asleep for a few minutes, and the small milk bag was shaken up in bed.

Luo Yibei was particularly embarrassed to him tonight. Although the words that Fang Chixia had accused before were somewhat unreasonable, the words were correct.

When such a small child happens to do this, the responsibility is all in the negligence of the parents!

He is very distressed by Xiao Yi, and he is particularly patient and very gentle to Xiao Yi tonight.

A few steps toward the bed, did not disturb Fang Chi Xia, he would hold Xiao Yi up, "Baby, what? What do you want to do? He said."

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