The Overbearing Chief Husband’s Favorite: Baby

Chapter 2003: I will help you, or will you help me (5)

Luo Yibei did not hear her, stubbornly still kissing her.

Biting her lip, the hustle and bustle, and the strong invasion of her mouth, it is as intense as it is to swallow her.

"I just wraped you for so long!" Fang Chixia stared at the blood-stained gauze on his shoulder and glanced at him.

Luo Yibei obviously heard her talking, but she ignored it.

Biting her lip kissed and kissed her, and then encroached on her neck and chest.

Fang Chi Xia was kissed by him all over the body, and his body was about to collapse.

"Loe North, did you hear me?" Fang Chixia had some fire on his behavior, especially when he saw the red gauze on his shoulder.

Trying to push him, no push, struggle, no struggle, she simply ignored it.

It was him who was hurt, the wound was on him, and he was hurt.

He doesn't care, what does she care about?

Fang Chixia leaned against the wall and simply let him go.

What Luo Yibei wants is the effect.

An arm hooked her waist and leaned against her against the wall behind her, pulling her leg around his waist, and his body squeezed in.

He is a little crazy tonight, and they haven't done this kind of thing for more than a month. He is like a man who has been vegetarian for a few years. He is rampant, rude and ignorant.

Every powerful collision goes straight to the deepest.

Speaking is also a special stream/氓.

"Baby, is it comfortable?"

"Tell me, don't you like it?"

"say you Love Me!"

Fang Chi Xia was tossed by him and his body seemed to be falling apart. As his movements swayed, this time, his head was completely blank.

She didn't know what happened to her. Suddenly she replied, "Luo Yibei, I won't take care of you after the injury!"

Very soft voice, originally reprimanded him for not knowing the convergence, but this time from her mouth, can not hear any anger, it is more like a petty.

"Okay, then don't care!" Luo Yibei did not take her words seriously, a big man, what is this hurt?

The indifferent tone made Fang Chi Xia even more angry.

He knows that she can't completely care about him. How can he trample on her concern so unscrupulously?

Picking up her fist, she gave him a punch at the wound.

"Hey--" Luo Yibei seems to have hurt, and obviously took a breath.

However, the movement under him did not stop.

Like being stimulated, his movements are even more rude.

Fang Chi Xia was under him, letting him move, and the whole person was quickly hit by him.

In the bathroom, the lazy water will splash out from time to time, the floor, wet the ground.

I don't know how long it lasted for a few hours. When the door finally opened, the man who had eaten enough to get out of his face was refreshed.

Fang Chixia followed him, his eyes fixed on the wound in his shoulder.

The white gauze was dyed red and then diluted with water to a pale pink.

She was very annoyed and said that she would not take care of him again. However, after she came out, she could not stand it, or found gauze and potion to help him deal with the wound.

She is afraid of inflammation when she soaks in water for so long.

Luo Yibei seems to be a bit wrong with her behavior, sitting on the sofa, looking at her to help her deal with the wound, his face curve, like a sprinkling of the sun, very soft and soft.

"Let you worry." I took the ointment and he helped her open the lid.

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