The Overbearing Chief Husband’s Favorite: Baby

Chapter 2024: Reserved for future weddings

Fang Chi Xia did not directly explain it, but faintly returned to him, "I am testing the sturdiness of diamonds!"

The small milk bag has a pumping lip and looks at her face with a strange look. "Is there a favorite in this place?"

"The preferences of the land have always been unique." Fang Chi Xia licked his head, and he did not change his color and returned to him.

The little milk bag was stunned by her words, and it didn't scream for a long time.

Is that so?

"Okay, go to bed early!" Fang Chixia helped him cover the sheet, licking his little body and lying down with him.

And Xiaoyi’s head leaned against his head and smelled the faint milkiness of his body. Fang Chi Xia fell asleep quickly.

She was only going to take a nap, wake up and see how far Luoyi North has progressed.

Who knows, probably today is too tired, after the pillow on the head, she accidentally fell asleep.

When I woke up, the sky was already bright.

When the sleepy eyes came out of the room, Luo Yibei just came outside the door.

Fang Chi Shannae stared at him and looked at it. He didn’t respond for a while. He woke up or didn’t sleep at night.

"Early!" Raised her face and she greeted him.

Luo Yibei stared at her messy long hair and glanced at it, and threw a jewelry box in her hand into her hand. "Hold, keep it, don't lose it!"

Very overbearing tone, standard imperative.

Fang Chi Xia Wei squatted, coveted, and looked at the jewel box in his hand and glanced at the box and gently opened the box.

In the morning light, a ray of light illuminates and shines brightly.

Lying in the box is a pair of wedding rings, the amazing work of Fang Chi Xia yesterday.

The ring that was destroyed almost last night and was irreparably lying on the white flannel, each diamond was inlaid and finished, and the flowing light was dazzling in the morning light.

Luo Yibei's mosaic technology is very good, so that the ring is not repaired.

The production process has one more participation, and the current ring seems to be more natural and more awkward than the one that was made by the previous pool.

When Fang Chixia stared at the pair of rings, his eyes brightened.

However, her reaction was very slight, and Luo Yibei did not notice.

"How do you think about designing a wedding ring?" Luo Yi's north corner of the eye swept over her direction, if nothing had happened.

"Inspiration came, I suddenly thought about it." Fang Chixia answered the perfunctory.

"Is it?" Luo Yibei seemed to be a bit disappointed. He walked in front of her and walked downstairs for a few steps. The voice of self-talking came from behind, "I thought it was prepared for the future wedding!"

Fang Chi Xia Wei, shaking his hand with the ring.

Luo Yibei took a slender step and went onlessly downstairs.

Fang Chixia stared at his back and looked down, and he also went downstairs behind him.

When he came downstairs, Luo Yibei poured milk in the kitchen.

Fang Chixia looked up and stared at him as if he didn't sleep well, and looked like a side face that didn't sleep at all. "I didn't sleep well last night?"

"I didn't sleep all night!" Luo Yibei corrected her wording, her eyes turned to her side, and it was faint and floating. "Mrs. Luo wants to make up?"

Fang Chi Xia was blocked by his words for a few seconds, and he gave him a blank look. "If you don't sleep, go upstairs and rest!"

Luo Yibei raised his face and drunk the milk in his hand. "Good."

He said so, but she turned her head and did not change her color to hold her up.

"Louis North, what are you doing?" Fang Chixia whispered.

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