The Overbearing Chief Husband’s Favorite: Baby

Chapter 2030: Your technology is still not up to standard

What Fang Chi Xia doesn't know is that men never reject women's wildness.

The more wild, the more it will stimulate the animal nature in the man's bones.

A contest with no wins and losses, and then slowly, the breathing of both people was rushed.

Luo Yibei's long legs restrained her legs, pushed her to bed/upside down, and groped her hand to her skirt. Pushing her clothes seemed to want to enter directly. However, the wrist was made by Fang Chixi. Lived.

Today, she doesn't want to show weakness in front of him.

Pressing his hand, reflexing him under his body, pulling his hand up to his head, leaning over, her lips rubbing past his lips, "This time you are below!"

If this kind of words are usually spoken from her mouth, it is undoubtedly the best pick/comic for Luo Yibei.

However, today, Luo Yibei feels only a strong provocation!

He did not know the power of Fang Chi Xia’s bones.

Is she challenging him?

Want to be above him, her fire is still far away!

Luo Yibei glared at her with a sigh of relief, her lips raised a sarcasm, her hand pressed, her hand clasped her hand, her leg stuck to her leg, a little bit of force, a turn over, he turned Being dominated, she was easily suppressed under her body.

The lips taunted and hooked, leaning over, his face leaning towards her, and sighing softly at her. "Baby, want to be on top, is the technology up to standard?"


Is he ridiculing that her skills are not enough?

Fang Chi Xia’s face was smeared with a blush, like it was burnt.

But in this case, she could not find a rebuttal.

In this regard, her technology is really not worthy of him.

All of her limited knowledge is given by him.

"Luo Yibei..." The hand hooked his neck, Fang Chixia lifted up and took his arms and collected his strength, so that his face was closer to him.

The tip of the nose was against him, and the four eyes were opposite. She suddenly touched the corner of her mouth. "Really, how can you get out of this skill?"

Luo Yibei's face was so heavy that cold eyes swept her directly.


Do you suspect that he had stolen the embarrassment in the years she left and this month?

Fang Chi Xia eyes looked at him without hesitation, still waiting for his answer.


Luo Yi's north lip raised a sarcasm, her eyes fixed on her pink lips, and she bite her head over the side. "Some things are men's nature!"

When she didn't give her a reaction, he lifted his hand and pulled off the skirt on her body...

The air seemed to be backlogged all the way to a center, and suddenly it got hot.

In the room, the heavy asthma and the low protests and sobbing of the woman came one after another, and finally became a piece of...


Fang Chi Xia sleeps a little heavy, no need to pick up Xiaoyi at noon, she subconsciously indulge herself, stupidly sleep until the sky is already dark and wake up.

The man around him seems to have gotten her up for a while, and the pillows are gone.

Luo Yibei back to her button in the finishing shirt.

The long figure is shrouded in a warm orange light, elegant back, lazy movements, and gestures, handsome and a little dizzy.

She noticed that she woke up, and her face was slightly sideways. His eyes were glanced at her side.

"Wake up." Magnetic voice, lazy and sexy.

"Yeah." Fang Chi Xia faintly gave him a voice.

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