The Overbearing Chief Husband’s Favorite: Baby

Chapter 2070: Holding in the palm of your hand

Xiao Yi came to the night island and thought a lot, even his own future, there is already a vague outline in his head.

When Luo Xizhen was founded at the end of the night, he was in his teens.

When Luo Yibei took over the night, he was less than ten years old.

Xiao Yi, only four years old, thought has begun to go in this direction!

"What did you think of?" Next to it, Luo Yibei’s voice rang.

The small milk bag turned over his head and smiled at him, not saying it.

"In the future, I often come to the night, how about?" Luo Yibei asked again.

"Oh yeah!" The little milk bag seemed very happy. He patted his little hand and he went to the city with satisfaction.

"North and North, I like it very much!" While walking, the sound came from behind.

"Yeah." Luo Yibei faintly should be with him.

“North-North, there are so many places in the city that can be fully utilized.”


"There can be a shooting range over there, a mechanical room next to it, and a taekwondo hall next to it. Are you saying good?"

"it is good."

“North-North, we can also arrange a very large conference room to accommodate the room for everyone on the night!”

"it is good."

The small bag said a lot, what he said, Luo Yibei did not think about it, all agreed.

Going a little further, he suddenly floated a sentence, "North-North, does this kingdom have a name? Is it called 'Lo"?"

Luo Yibei glimpsed a little, and the footsteps stopped.


Luo Empire... Luo Empire...

Luo Yibei chewed these three words, and the corner of his mouth was gently ticked. "Good."

He looked at him in front of him, his eyes were unusually soft.

The small milk bag was very happy, came over and hit him with a high-five, "Yeah!"

Luo Empire, in the name of his surname, the future of his empire!

Luo Yibei took him to the castle for a while, then turned to the night.

Upon arrival, Tong Yan has come over.

She was awakened by the phone of the small milk bag when she didn't wake up today. When she arrived, her hair was still fluffy, sleepy, and she didn't sleep for a few nights.

When I got there, I curled up my knees and sat on the rest chair outside the house.

At the end of the night, she is very comfortable, just like her own home, the hair is fluffy, no matter what the feet/naked outside, no matter how much the rest of the nest rests.

Shi Yanyang did not come with her, a few minutes later than her.

When she was ready to enter the villa, her eyes swept to the outside of her, her brow wrinkled.

Tong Yan seems to have not seen him, arms around his body, the small poor face buried in his knees, his head has been shrinking to the knee.

This season is coming into winter, and the air is a bit cold.

She was probably frozen, and the two jerky feet exposed in the air rested on the bench, and the white toes of the pink toes continued to curl up.

Shi Yanyang stared at her like this, and she looked at it for a while, slowly came to her side, bent down in front of her, and then made a very unexpected action for Tong Yan.

The hand took her small and delicate feet and put it on the palm of her hand. Both hands covered her feet and sighed softly. He helped her to pick it up.

Very gentle movements, gentle like a sudden burst of sunlight in the cold winter, into the micro, all warm.

Tong Yan's long eyelashes trembled slightly, and her closed eyes slammed open.

The face turned slightly, her eyes stayed on his face for a few seconds, and she turned to his hand.

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