The Overbearing Chief Husband’s Favorite: Baby

Chapter 2072: The energy to make up can not be wasted (1)

This excitement is not exciting, not excitement, excitement, but the mind is particularly clear-headed.

The result of this soberness is that the result is that I have not slept for a few nights.

After returning to the villa of the night, she felt a little sleepy.

On the way, Fang Chi Xia telephone harassed her several times, let her go down to eat, Tong Yan every time "Hmm" promised, the phone hangs, holding the sheet and turned over and fell asleep.

She felt that she had been sleeping for a long time, and the days that had been outside were dark and still not known.

At seven o'clock in the evening, the door of the room was pushed open and it seemed that someone came in.

Born in a family like Qing, Tong Yan has a natural alertness.

Even if she is very tired, her sleep is still not deep.

Almost at the same moment when the door was pushed open, she woke up.

The nerves are just tightened, and the frequency of footsteps can be discerned and relaxed.

Ignore it, she covered herself with the sheets and then prepared to sleep.

Shi Yanyang took a dinner into the house, his fingertips slammed a light in the room, and the dim room lit up.

His lights are not very strong enough to illuminate, but not dazzling.

Coming to the bed, she put the dinner on the bedside, and he used his toes to smash the trampoline and wrap it up in a tall crowd.

The action is quite rude, contrary to the image of the gentleness of the morning in the downstairs.

Tong Yan has a feeling of serious discrimination. The body in the sheet is stiff and ignores him.

"Are you a pig?" Above the top of the head, Shi Yanyang’s ironic voice rang.

The body of the child's face is a stiff body.

"The pigs are not you can sleep!" Shi Yan Yang gas bomber added another sentence.

Tong Yan’s face was black and blue.

you are a pig!

Your whole family is a pig!

The culprit is also a good idea to ridicule her here?

"Dinner was sent over!" Shi Yanyang lifted his leg and kicked her again.

His strength did not know the control, and Tong Yan was kicked by him. He was not prepared for a while, and even the person was kicked by the ground.

Tong Yan’s face was not good, and a sudden movement made her angry.

Through the sheets, Shi Yangyang can feel her gloom.

"If you wake up, don't pretend, you won't have dinner at dinner." Shi Yanyang took up a bowl of porridge, leaned over and blew his breath, and swayed in front of his face.

The fragrant crab yellow porridge, the extravagant crab yellow with nutritious white rice porridge, plus a touch of salt, the whole room is full of aroma.

Tong Yan is particularly fond of crab yellow from small to large, he is deliberately tempting / tempting her!

Tong Yan annoyed his behavior, and he tickles him.

"Don't eat?" Shi Yanyang did not wait for her meaning, and immediately removed the bowl.

The food he comes up with should be a lot, and it is not difficult to judge from the fragrance.

Tong Yan can even distinguish what is coming from him through the fragrance.

Grilled crabs, grilled scallops, grilled fish, grilled shrimps, grilled leeks, grilled oysters, lots.

Tong Yan thought that he was all prepared for her. She was only a little hesitant. Who knows that Shi Yangyang actually solved the food that he had brought up.

He ate very elegantly and did not make any indecent sounds, only natural swallowing.

Very small, small enough to be negligible, however, listening to Tong Yan's ear, but it seems to be magnified several times, the whole room is his own voice.

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