The Overbearing Chief Husband’s Favorite: Baby

Chapter 2117: Force you away in minutes (1)

Luo Yibei's line of sight looked at the source of the sound, too late to think, striding forward to her room.

The door slammed open, his eyes glanced in the bedroom, and no one found him. His eyes turned to the bathroom.

The light of the bathroom was lit, accompanied by the sound of water, and Cheng Aning was clearly inside.

"What happened?" Luo Yibei came to the door and smashed the door.

The bathroom was quiet, quiet and only the sound of water, not even the sound of pumping.

Luo Yibei's eyes sank, holding the doorknob in his hand and slamming the door open.

Small bathroom, messy room.

Cheng Aning was kneeling on the ground, the wheelchair rolled over and the whole person was pressed underneath.

The clothes on her were very messy, the skirts were high, the straight and slender legs, and the whole one was violent/shown in the air, which seemed to be something when I wiped my body.

Luo Yibei's line of sight only faintly glanced at her, and his eyes closed.

With no expression, she walked over and lifted the wheelchair on her. He took her up on the ground.

"Are you okay? Did you hurt?" With her out of the bathroom, he asked as he walked.

When he spoke, his eyes were looking at the front, and he didn't even make any stops on her.

"The knee is very painful and should be hit." Cheng Anning rubbed his arm around his neck and twisted his eyebrows back to him.

"I will help you call the doctor." Luo Yibei took her to the bed in a few steps, put her on the bed, turned and left.

From the bathroom to the room, he did not look at Cheng Anning from beginning to end.

Cheng Anning sat on the bed, his eyes fixed in the direction of his departure, and he lost his heart.

She did not seem to expect that the stability of Luo Yibei would be so good. Luo Yibei’s reaction made her somewhat surprised, but she was not in a hurry.

She and him, some time is slowly running in!

As long as he will worry about her, she and he have unlimited possibilities!

The doctor hurried over in the near future, but went to call Luo Yibei, and there was no shadow after leaving.

He did not appear in the room all night.

After a few days, Cheng Anning still did not see him.

Luo Yi went to the night, and he put all his time in the pool.

Cheng Anning still stayed at Luojia, although the couple of Shazhixing had already been confronted with Sutian, but she was not biased.

Mainly because she did a lot of liking things earlier!

After the small milk bag came in from Cheng Anning, she always liked to stare at her.

It’s such a small child, when her eyes fall on her, she is as deep as an adult, and she doesn’t know what she is thinking.

What he saw was always the leg of Cheng Anning.

Cheng Anning’s gaze hit him several times, and every time he was seen, he was inexplicably tight.

The child's eyes are too sharp, sharp enough to look like people.

The rest of the Luo family are outside, there are only small milk bags and two of them on the scene.

The place where the two stood was just the place where the accident occurred that day, on a slope, under a slope.

The small milk bag is under the **** and Cheng Anning is on the slope.

The two men looked at each other for a while, and the small milk bag suddenly came up slowly toward the slope.

His steps went very slowly, and every step went to make Cheng Anning feel a tight point.

She didn't know what he was going to do, but the intuition told her what the little milk bag would do.

The small milk bag was still going upstairs. After three steps, he suddenly lay down on the **** and then rolled straight down the slope.

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