The Overbearing Chief Husband’s Favorite: Baby

Chapter 2127: Only you can help me.

She did not mention it to anyone, only told the servant at home to take care of Su Tian and leave.

Her body shadow disappeared quickly. After leaving the hospital, she got on the bus and drove in a direction in the city.

The last thing she arrived was a remote western restaurant with a strong Mediterranean wind, blue and white, and a high grade.

When I arrived, I chose to sit down by the window. Cheng Anning took out the phone and didn't know who to call.

Half an hour later, a car was parked outside the restaurant, and a slender figure came out of it.

The coming person was very low-key. He came in this way, wearing a pair of big sunglasses on his face, and his face was blocked by sunglasses.

When walking, it seems that I was afraid of being too eye-catching. I came here several times to pretend that I could cover my face.

When she came to the dining table where Cheng Anning was located, she opened the chair opposite her. The man who came in sat down opposite her, and the sunglasses on her face were taken down.

This is a very young and handsome face. The facial features are three-dimensional and deep, the nose is lifted, the lip is thin, and the natural star face, even sitting in the dark corner, still shines like a radiant body.

People who know a little about the entertainment circle will not be familiar with this face.

Mo Yu, the entertainment industry has become famous in the early years of Cheng Anning, the well-deserved box office king of the film industry, international superstar Mo Yu.

Father, Mo Yizhen, when he was young, he belonged to the international superstar, the heir of the Mo family, the brother of Luo Xiwei, one of the founders of the night!

In the same entertainment circle, Mo Yu and Cheng Anning have passed through the scandals numerous times and have worked together countless times. The relationship has always been superficial in the eyes of the outside world.

Luo Yibei's wedding, with Lomo's relationship, Mo Yu was present.

What happened to the Su family, he naturally knows.

Cheng Anning is looking for his purpose, he is not difficult to guess.

However, the only thing he didn't expect was that when she was so critical, what she was looking for was actually him!

"How are these days?" She stared at the opposite side and looked at the topic that Mo Yu first opened.

"Not good." Cheng Aning did not have too much expression on his face.

Mo Yu snorted a little, and he was dragging his mouth. "Is Grandpa serious?"

"Yeah." Cheng Anning faintly returned to him.

"Why don't you stay with the grandfather in the hospital?" Mo Yu asked again.

Su Jiadu has nowhere to go, and Cheng Anning has not turned around with him.

His eyes were light and her eyes were a little wet. "Grandpa is very ill. The sins accused by the outside world, Grandpa has not done it. I don't know, but, no matter what, he is my grandfather, I want, but he can be healthy. Health and well-being, he is old enough to go to jail!"

"What do you want to say?" Mo Yu looked at her eyes very softly.

Cheng Aning’s light face was lifted up after that, and he looked at him fixedly, and he said, “I want you to help the Su family to pass this level! Help the grandfather to sue.”

When Mo Yu came, she expected the purpose of her meeting. I personally confirmed that he was not surprised. "How do you think about finding me?"

"Mo Yu, I have no other people to ask for help! Fang Chixia has disappeared. Yibei is now hating the grandfather. He is a pickpocket this time. If he is convicted, how will the grandfather's situation be serious? You I know! You are so good with him, can you help me right?"

"What's wrong with Grandpa? His only mistake is that he is too distressed and wants to find out the real cause of the last accident for me!"

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