Cheng Anning walked toward him step by step, the pace is very embarrassing, but did not use any tools.

She walked very unsteadily and seemed to fall down several times.

When she walked to the side of Mo Yu, Mo Yu couldn’t stand it, and she lifted her arm and helped her.

"Is there something?" Mo Yu stabilized her, staring at her up and down and glanced at it. "Is it very moving?"

Cheng Anning just stared at him and didn't answer.

"Is it not to do anything to repay my heart?" Mo Yu looked at her deep and deep.

Didn't wait for her to answer, suddenly half-joking and half-spoken and added a sentence, "If you have to repay, do you want to consider marrying into Mo's family?"

Cheng Anning was slightly stagnate, and his body was stiff and stiff.

Mo Yu looked at her in silence, not missing her slight reaction, and her face was closed.

"Just kidding with you." Holding her hand loosened, if nothing happened to throw her a word, he turned and wanted to continue to go outside the scene, behind him, Cheng Anning suddenly floated, "Good!"

it is good!

A very simple word, not even superfluous.

At the foot of Mo Yu's foot, the back was like a strong lightning bolt, suddenly stiffened.

"Your new proposal, I said good!" Cheng Anning walked toward him step by step, his hand took the initiative to climb his arms, "Throw a wounded person here, are you so embarrassed?"

Mo Yu’s line of sight slightly passed, and she stayed in his arms for a few seconds, and slowly moved up to her face.

Looking at her fixedly, he seemed to have some doubts that he had just heard the mistake.

"Go!" Cheng Anning walked in front and led him halfway through the scene.

Mo Yu stepped stiffly behind her, went out this way, and her footsteps were somewhat illusory.

"Just say really?" When he got on the bus and started the car, he stared at her and looked at her.

"Yeah." Cheng Anning gaze in front, faintly responded to him.

"But, Yibei..." Mo Yu said nothing.

He actually wants to say that she does not like Luo Yibei?

"I am against Luo Yibei, not what you think." Cheng Anning guessed that he did not export, a faint explanation.

Her words were understated and did not explain too much.

She did not want to say more, Mo Yu did not ask much, pulled the seat belt and slowly started the car.

"Where do you want to go?" he asked as he drove.

"Civil Affairs Bureau."



After the Su family’s business was a foregone conclusion, the first thing that Luo Yibei did was to go to the Su family to pick up the small milk bag.

After returning, Xiao Yi has been taken care of by Luo Xi.

Luo Xiwei is the most trustworthy person in Luo Yibei, and has the absolute ability to ensure that Xiao Yi will not be taken away as he was in the second time.

Only by handing it to Luo Xi, Luo Yibei can be completely assured.

After a few days, he put all his energy in the search for Fangchi Xiazhong.

After staying at night for more than ten days, I went back to Luojia to stay with Xiaoyi for one night. I woke up the next morning. I was going to send a small milk bag to go to school. When I read the morning paper, I was shocked by a news.

Mo Yu and Cheng Anning received the news!

Both are entertainment circles, two are the highest-priced first-line stars, suddenly burst out of the news, the entire entertainment circle is boiling, the entire C city, and even at home and abroad also blasted the pot!

In less than a month after not successfully entering Luojia, Cheng Anning married into Mojia!

Luojia's family of the world!

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