
With a dull gunshot, a bullet pierced the air and flew straight in the direction of Fang Chi Xia, hitting the motorboat behind her.

His gun is aimed at the motorboat where Fang Chi Xia is located, not her person.

The structure of the motorboat consists of a number of small air chambers and a separate inflator. One air chamber is damaged and does not have much impact on the buoyancy of the motorboat.

Fang Chi Xia heard a blasting sound from the ear, but he ignored it.

Her speed has not slowed down from beginning to end.

Behind him, the gunfire of cold and cold is still going on.

The bullets of the cockroaches shot one after another.

His tactics are accurate, and every shot must be in the middle.

The motorboat where Fang Chi Xia is located has no idea how many guns are in the air. It has been somewhat unstable floating on the water.

Looking at the beach on the side of her body, she did not care about the bullets that followed the cold and prayed cold, and then the steamboat went to the shore, and the boat ran down the shore without hesitation.

She is a long distance from the cold and cold, as long as she can get out of his sight before the cold and cold catch up, then she has the possibility of success.

On the way to the beach, Luo Yibei led a large group of people, searching for a villa along the beach, a villa and a villa.

The seaside is relatively quiet compared to the urban area, and there are not so many people coming and going. This is the first stop for his search!

In places where people are sparsely populated, it is much easier to hide a person than in a bustling area where people come and go.

A large group of people, led by two policemen, slammed the door of a villa on the coast...

On the way away from the beach, Fang Chi Xia is still running here.

I ran to the side of the road and wanted to stop the car. However, I stood on the road for a while, and even the car passing by a car was not found.

The cold and cold people are behind, and Fang Chixia has no time to wait. He looks around and crosses the road and runs away from the cold and cold villa.

The layout of her place is that a road separates the villas on both sides, and the two sides are all buildings that are independent and open, with green trees arranged in front.

Fang Chi Xia does not expect someone to take her into the house to escape, she only expects to encounter a car that is not just locked.

As long as there is a car, the other, she is not afraid.

Behind him, cold and cold with a few bodyguards, still chasing after.

He seems to be nearby, the distance between the two does not know when it has been shortened, and Fang Chixia can even hear the footsteps of his running.

I have known him for so many years, and she is too familiar.

I have encountered the trouble that I always look forward to in my heart. I have never thought about Fang Chi Xia in the past. One day, she will be so evasive!

The footsteps of cold and cold are getting closer and closer.

Cold and cold is a man, the speed of a man's running, originally congenital superiority to a woman, the legs are so long, on the chase, Fang Chixia is not his opponent.

Fang Chi Xia heartily jumped down, wanting to find a place to escape, the villa around, a burst of dogs suddenly came.


Very dull voice, like Demu.

Fang Chi Xia’s face was lifted up and looked down at the top of his head.

On the balcony upstairs of the villa stood two large-scale Demu, eyes staring at her, seemingly ready to pounce.

"Hey! Don't ask!" Fang Chixia worried that cold and cold would follow the sound and look around.

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