The Overbearing Chief Husband’s Favorite: Baby

Chapter 2136: I want to whisper with you.

When I entered, the forefoot just stepped into the house, the small milk bag seemed to think of something, the steps under the foot stopped, and the side of the other side of the pool burst into a more explosive material.

"Right, Xia Xia, Cheng Aning aunt married to Uncle Mo two days ago! Uncle Mo Yu, who is handsome and tall and handsome, you didn't miss it, that is the one we know!"

Fang Chi Xia Yi, the footsteps at the foot stopped, "What?"

"What happened? This is a good thing. In the future, the wildflowers and weeds are less." The small milk bag patted her shoulder and gave her a "you can feel at ease" expression.

He described Cheng Anning as wildflower weeds, regardless of their high status.

In his view, women except Fang Chi Xia are wildflowers and weeds.

Fang Chi Xia’s lips were pumped and he licked his head. “Advanced, Mommy has something to say!”

The little milk bag looked at her strangely and looked at her, whispering, "whispering?"

"Yes!" Fang Chi Xia did not feel embarrassed, admitted very simply.

When Luo Yibei had never seen her so straight, the corner of her lips smirked, and he shook the small milk bag away. "Baby, you can go!"

Small milk bag, "..."

Luo Yibei licked his lips and walked upstairs with his hand in Fang Chi Xia.

He seemed to be very happy. He was very leisurely at the beginning of his footsteps. He didn't know what he thought of, and he quickly accelerated. He even led Fang Chixia's hand to run between the corridors.

With Fangchi Xia through the strip corridor, pushing the door of the room into the door, the backhand took the door, leaning against her behind the door, he stared at her up and down and looked down, the smile in the eyes deepened, "What do you want to say to me?"

Fang Chixia actually wants to ask about Cheng Aning’s business.

"How does Anning marry Mo Yu?"

Luo Yibei had some expectations for what she had to say, but she did not expect that she asked this.

The expression on his face was closed, and his hand was retracted. He turned and went to the sofa by the window.

"Probably got a lot of things!"

“Is it?” Fang Chixia still felt a little unbelievable.

In the entertainment circle, although the two people had no rumors, but the two people who did not capture the usual intimate photos, suddenly got married so quickly, she always felt too suddenly.

Luo Yibei didn't want to mention other women between the two, staring at her and looking at her, hooking a finger at her, "Come on!"

Fangchi Shannae walked over to him and stood next to him. "What happened?"

Luo Yibei eyes fixed on her ragged skirt, thinking about the situation when the two met before, his face raised, his face turned serious. "What happened before I met me?"

Fang Chi Xia, "..."

"What happened again that night three months ago?" Luo Yibei looked at her fixedly and asked questions one by one.

"That night, I..." Fang Chixia wanted to explain the situation, but she thought about the cold and cold, and she held back the words.

Cold and cold for her, it is the first warmth since memory.

She has known him for more than a decade, not a few years, not a few days.

She has known him for many years, and she has given her years of moving and warmth. ,

Between her and him, even if it is impossible, Fang Chixia does not want to hurt.

When she finished the fight, she took a deep breath and sighed her face. She thought about it and said, "I was attacked from the night..."

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