Lorge seemed to notice her gaze and looked up at her and glanced at her.

He has always been used to people who are used to coldness. However, looking at her eyes is not as serious as it used to be. It is now mild.

Staring at her and looking down, it was like checking her wounds in silence.

Fang Chi Xia went step by step, came to the two people, squatting in front of Xiao Yi, the voice was gentle, "Tai Grandpa just came back, let the grandfather take a break."

The small milk bag was originally cold and arrogant to Lonchi, and she was just happy with his words.

As soon as he turned, he went upstairs to find Luo Yibei. "I am looking north and north!"

Fang Chi Natsume sent his figure to leave, and wanted to follow him upstairs, but he was stopped by Lonchi. "Don't talk to Grandpa about this time?"

Fang Chi Xia Wei, the footsteps at the foot closed.

"Sit down, Grandpa is not that terrible!" Lorne turned to the sofa next to her, first she sat down in one step, brewed a pot of tea for each of them, and poured a cup.

Fang Chi Xia down, and walked toward him in a few steps.

Although the relationship between the two has not been completely eased, she is not cautious in front of him.

Sitting down on the sofa next to him, she picked up his fallen tea and sipped.

"Is it alright outside this time?" Lorne was drinking while holding the tea in his hand, asking her about her recent situation.

"Grandpa, I am fine." Fang Chi Xia faintly gave him a voice.

"What happened that night?" Lorne’s hand slammed the tea and asked again.

"It was attacked that night. I don't know how things happened, but it's okay now."

"Is it kidnapping?" Lorch is a glimpse.

"Grandpa, I don't know." Fang Chi Xiazhen decided to return him.

However, Lorge seems to be somewhat uneasy. "Are they doing something to hurt during this time?"

"No, Grandpa." Fang Chixia answered very calmly. "If it is a kidnapping, the other party will use me to earn money. It won't be against me."

Another point, she did not say.

If it is kidnapping, Luo Yibei received a phone call from the kidnapper early.

This is a very simple truth, Lonki is so smart, under normal circumstances, the head is definitely easy to think of.

However, today, he seems to be short-circuited by IQ, directly ignoring this point.

He was astonished by the words "attack" in her mouth, her eyes drifting from time to time, and she stared at her several times, seemingly worried.

He is not a sly person, nor does he have to do it for anyone.

In her eyes, she cares about her, she can see.

Fang Chixia didn't want him to worry too much, scorned the tea, she comforted, "Grandpa, I will pay more attention later."

"Yeah." Lorch poured himself a cup of tea, licked his mouth, and then asked her some questions.

What happened during that time, how to escape, whether there is any loss or the like.

I also talked to Fang Chi Xia about some of the things that happened in the three months of the small milk package.

When he mentioned Xiao Yi, he was very kind, and his eyes were full of love.

Lorch is such a grandson of Luo Yibei, but his eyes give people a feeling, like the pet of Luo Yibei, or even less than easy.

He and Fang Chixia had a lot of things before, and Fang Chixia didn't have much in common with him.

However, it is not the same as mentioning Xiaoyi.

Xiao Yi is the deepest connection between the two.

There was still a bit of a stiff atmosphere, which eased a lot after mentioning Xiao Yi.

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